Blogs from Belize Barrier Reef, Belize, Central America Caribbean - page 15


Hi everyone, sorry it’s been a while since the last post, just been busy having fun, dealing with dodgy guts and trying not to itch our vast amount of mosquito bites! Since the last post we went on the trip to Chichen Itza. (2/9) It was really great to see all the temples especially the big one as it has been made to amplify sound so people clap at the bottom and you can hear it coming back amplified but it sounds quite eerie. The Mayans’ were pretty harsh and sacrificed people all the time (but they didn’t chuck heads down from the temples, apparently that was the Aztecs. The Mayans’ only chucked hearts down! The Mayans’ that lived in Chichen Itza just sort of disappeared and one theory is that the Mayans’ didn’t realise that ... read more
Cenote Ik Il
Tulum beach

Two blog posts in as many weeks! What a treat... Well, I’ve been back from Cuba for nearly a month and so I thought while I’m in the writing mood I’d update on what’s been happening since then. Still; unrecovered from the Hotel International bug, I dragged my poorly self to my next destination, Caye Caulker – a tiny island off the coast of Belize where I’d be volunteering for a little school. The island’s slogan is ‘Go Slow’ and that pretty much sums up everything here. The other day I was accosted by a local for going so fast on my bike; “lady, what’s the hurry? Go Slow!’ He had a point, I was in no hurry to get to where I was going. The reason I decided to volunteer here (despite the Caribbean water, ... read more

Niets in bijna anderhalf jaar doet je bloeddruk meer dalen dan reizen in Belize, geen enkel land of cultuur kan zich hiermee vergelijken. Belize is het meest slome en vriendelijkste land van Latijns Amerika. Wie na 1973 geen atlas meer heeft aangeraakt zal verbaast zijn dat het kleine landje tussen Mexico, Guatemala en Honduras geen "Britisch Honduras" meer heet maar Belize, Belize is geen goedkoop land in vergelijking met de rest van centraal Amerika maar nog altijd goedkoper dan de Verenigde Staten of Nederland. Daarom besloten we meteen om naar het duurste eiland te gaan. Ambergis Caye is de achtertuin voor de Amerikaanse toerist. Luxe ressorts aan de tropische kust. Anka en ik verbleven in het goedkoopste hotel van het eiland wat nog steeds een stuk aangenamer was dat de duurste hotelkamers in Azië. Ambergis Caye ... read more
I love Belize
Sea turtle
Spring foto

Suzanne here... We arrived in Belize City early afternoon and could have made it straight over to Caye Caulker. We thought about it, BC has got a bit of a bad reputation. Still, we thought we´d stay a night and see for ourselves and pick up some shopping we needed. We found a hotel and then wandered around the town. Hmm. Not the prettiest place, and I lost count of the number of times people tried to sell us drugs or ask us for money. We´ve been asked for money all around the world. As tourists we´re obviously seen as rich, and poor as we might feel at times, relatively speaking we usually are. I totally understand people asking for money, but we made a conscious decision not to give on the street, but rather to ... read more
Caye Caulker
Caye Caulker
Caye Caulker

Hello there! How are things going? Good? Bad? Indifferent? Interesting, glad to hear it. I myself am good, well apart from the fact that a large number of winged creatures are currently treating my body as some sort of banquet. Between the title and general Simon Botley knowledge a lot of you will know that I´ve become another year older and wiser since the last time I wrote to you. Once again, to all those people who sent me some sort of Happy Birthday message, thanks very much. It was much appreciated. We´re currently sunning ourselves on Caye Caulker, a small island in the Caribbean off the coast of Belize, which is a very long way away from Leon in Nicaragua. The most sensible way to explain how we´ve got here seems to be to carry ... read more

My apologies to you all who have been faithfully following my travels, I´ve been out of touch of technology (well just internet cafes) in the last few weeks and have slacked on my blogging. I am currently in Tulum, Mexico enjoying the beach, the famous ruins that are on cliffs overlooking the beach, and scuba diving in some great cenotes. Here´s whats been happening the last few weeks I finished Spanish classes in Antigua and left Antigua after being there for a full month. I then spent a week in San Pedro la Laguna, located on beautiful Lake Atitlan. There I took another week of Spanish classes and hung out with backpackers in a great hostel - Yo Mama´s Casa. Thanks Carlos for the recommendation. San Pedro is one of those places that people get sucked ... read more

Maybe learning from my Semuc Champey – Flores experience, I decided on this occasion to go with the shuttle service (San Juan Travel - $20 – 6 Hours) direct to Belize City, picking me up at the door of my hostel and dropping me off at the door of the Caye Caulker Water Taxi / Belize Marine Terminal. From there it was a $10 boat ride (45 minutes) out to Caye Caulker northeast of Belize City. Caye Caulker is a tiny little beach town with a real Caribbean vibe and just a couple of “main” streets running from north to south lined with the usual array of chill out bars, discos and seafood restaurants. In fact, in less than an hour it was easy to wander around the whole town. Disappointingly though, there wasn’t really a ... read more
Caye Caulker
Caye Caulker
Caye Caulker - "The Split"

'Let your superior Spanish skills guide your way... then hopefully you'll accidentally make it to Toronto instead!' S. Lapham, 2011 I was openly dreading the journey from Tulum, Mexico, to Caye Caulker, Belize. That being said, the journey ran a lot smoother than expected though, I should hasten to add, not without hiccup. My proposed route was as follows: three hour bus ride from Tulum to the boarder town of Chetumal. Then another two to three hours to horrid Belize City (baaaad rep for just being dreadful). Then a boat to Caye Caulker ('Caye' is pronounced 'key' and means island, apparently). A journey which, whilst sounding both long and annoying, I needn't really have feared. Upon arriving at Chetumal, I used my enhanced elven eyes to spot a man at a stall selling tickets which could ... read more
Another inspiring shot of the port at Chetumal
Caye Caulker
Caye Caulker

Wir versprachen uns bei den Tauch- und Schnorchelgängen rund um Caye Caulker eine andere Meereswelt wie in Mexiko auf Isla Cozumel. Zuerst mussten wir aber feststellen, dass die Preise fürs Tauchen fast um das Doppelte höher waren wie in Mexiko. So entschlossen wir uns, die Unterwasserwelt erst einmal beim Schnorcheln anzusehen und fuhren in das Reservat Hol Chan. Schon beim ersten Schnorchelgang in der näheren Umgebung des Bootes freuten wir uns über Meeresschildkröten, die in Seelenruhe grasten. Man könnte sogar direkt über ihnen im Wasser treiben und zuschauen, wie sie das Seegras zupften. Dann kam ein Schatten auf uns zu… Ein spotted eagle ray (zu deutsch: Gefleckter Adlerrochen) kam auf uns zu. Ich schwamm etwas von ihm weg. War mir im ersten Augenblick etwas unheimlich. Der Rochen hat einen ausgeprägten Kopf und eine lange Schnute, mit ... read more
30b Mangrovenufer
30c Party am Split
30d Auf Fahrt zum Riff

Am 2. März sind wir mit dem Wassertaxi aus Belize City angekommen. Unser Auto haben wir in (hoffentlich!) sicherer Obhut des Zolls in Belize City gelassen. Die Insel Caye Caulker liegt ca. 32 km nordöstlich von Belize City und ist als eine ruhigere Karibikoase bekannt wie z. B. ihre große Schwester Caye Ambergris. Caye Caulker soll 8 km lang sein - für mich recht unwahrscheinlich. Ist man doch in 15 Minuten die Front Street bis zum "Split" hinuntergewandert. Der sogenannte Split soll 1961 durch den Hurrikan Hattie entstanden worden sein. Vermutlich hat man aber danach den Riss von Hand erweitert und vertieft. Heute können auch größere Boote zwischen beiden Inselteilen hindurchfahren. Der Nordteil der Insel ist noch recht wenig bebaut. Aber dies ist eine Frage der Zeit, bis auch hier Hotels entstehen. Die Insel lebt hauptsächlich ... read more
01a Es war Waschtag Fahrt nach Belize City
01b Alles muss in den Bulli Bis in einer Woche
01c Vom Terminal aus Belize City

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