Jocelyn Delaney

Jocelyn Delaney

Jocelyn Delaney

Current Sophomore at Syracuse University. Studying Magazine Journalism and Spanish with a minor in Innovation, Design and Start Ups. Spending the Fall semester in Madrid and traveling around Europe!

Link to Pictures for Mare Nostrom Seminar:

Europe » France » Île-de-France October 22nd 2012

Day 3 (Saturday) it poured all day. We walked through the Jardin du Luxembourg regardless though and it was still beautiful despite the rain and grey skies. We went to the Pantheon Monument and toured the crypt which was actually really interesting. Afterwards we enjoyed warm tea and coffee at a fancy creperie across the street. We tried to go to the Grande Mosquee de Paris but it was closed (we were running ahead of schedule since we didn’t stay in the gardens as long as we anticipated). We got to see one part of it though. By this time we were soaking wet and just wanted to head towards the Eiffel Tower. So we headed over that direction. We stopped to have lunch (at a Japanese resturant of course). After lunch we did some window ... read more

Europe » France » Île-de-France October 19th 2012

Our flight on Ryanair was definitely intersting. It was only an hour and twenty minutes but that was more than enough. The reason our flight was only 40 euro was because they play commercials and try to sell you things the entire time. It makes it hard to take a power nap before taking on the huge city of Paris, but the important thing is we got here. Our hostel is cute. The bathrooms are shared which is a little weird but our room is nice and its only a 20 minute walk to most places we want to see which is nice. Tonight we started our adventures at the Notre Dame. Outside of it we met a man and he gave us bread to feed the birds. He took my DSLR right out of my ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid September 28th 2012

I'm still in shock that I am living in Madrid. My friends were all laughing at me the other day because we were taking a walk exploring Madrid and I turned to them and said, "we're in another country right now." They were laughing since its been a month now what we've been here and it still hasn't hit me that this is where we will be for another 3 months. Last weekend we did a walking tour of Madrid. We saw so much and had so much fun because our tour guide was a hilarious, young, scottish boy. At the end of the tour we even got discounted tickets to an authentic flamenco show! We also expored a whole lot on our own. We went to parque retiro, paseo de prado, la latina, plaza mayor, ... read more

Europe » Portugal » Algarve » Lagos September 16th 2012

What a weekend. Lagos was a great first independent travel weekend, but I have to say I now have very high expectations for the rest of my weekend adventures. We started out our trip by travelling to Sevilla, Spain on Thursday where our tour would leave from on Friday. We arrived in Sevilla around eight pm. We had a little trouble getting to the hostel where we were staying that night without having our iphones to guide our every step. We had to buy a map and it ended up being giant. After asking several locals and searching for the hostel's street we finally found it on the map. It was the smallest possible street on this giant map. Once we found it on the map it was very easy to get to though. It was ... read more
Fish soup
End of the world
Surfing beach

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville September 13th 2012

Itinerary: Thursday, September 13: (Not with the tour) 2:00 pm Bus from Madrid to Seville 8:00 pm- Arrive at Seville Backpacker Hostel Picasso 11:00 pm- Night out in Seville Friday, September 14th: Free time touring Seville 1:00 pm- meet at the Consulado de Portugal 1:30 pm: Bus departs for Lagos- Portugal 4:30 pm **Portugal Time** Arrive at Aqualuz Hotel in Lagos, check into rooms, sign up for actiities y vamos a la playa! 8:00 pm- Meet in lobby to walk down to the center of town for dinner recommendations 11:00 pm- Kickoff Party at Grand Café Saturday, September 15th: 8:00 to 10:00am- Breakfast 10:30 am- Meet in Hotel Lobby for Sanfria Sailboat Cruises 11:00-1:00 pm- Sangria Sailboat Cruises +Grotto Tour 1:00-5:00pm- Free time at Meia Praia Beach 6:45pm: Meet in Hotel Lobby for Bus Excursion to ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid September 11th 2012

After a week in Madrid, it's finally hit me that this is my home. I have an ulimited metro pass, I actually know how to use the metro, I can walk more than just to school without getting lost, I know where to find the best drink deals, the best tapas, and the best shopping. I have to admit I'm surprised I've learned so much about this city so fast. It's probably because I thought this was too good to be true and I was going to be sent home after a week so I crammed all the exploring I could possibly do into one week's time. I wish everyone could come visit because I'd love to be a tour guide! There's so much to see here it's amazing. Even the area I live in, I ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid September 7th 2012

I’ve been extremely busy here in Madrid. Classes have finally started and there’s a lot of celebration to be had. We have gone to a few international student mixers and they were a lot of fun. I think I’ve officially met someone from every continent here (except Antarctica of course). I’ve met people from Ireland, Poland, France, Brazil, Guatamala, Japan, Australia, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and Germany to name a few. I’ve also been able to do a lot of exploring of the city. Maria has been taking my roommate and me on mini excursions every afternoon to show us new places. We’ve been to a tapas restaurant where tapas and a pint of wine were 1 euro each. She also showed us this beautiful park that has a pool that people tan next to, ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid September 2nd 2012

After a long bus ride to Madrid, we finally arrived. Waiting for us were our several suitcases and our host moms. I immediately spotted Maria, knowing exactly who she was based on other student's descriptions of her. We took a taxi back to her appartment and after an hour or so of unpacking we enjoyed a cup of tea with Maria. By this time we were already so exhausted, listening to her talk so fast with such a thick accent was like running a marathon. After our tea time I took a short nap and not much later we had dinner. Thankfully she talked slower when I asked her questions. Shortly after dinner I fell right asleep. Home sweet home.... read more

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » Bilbao September 1st 2012

Today we did a walking tour of Bilbao. It was such a gorgeous day, we all enjoyed the tour even more than usual especially after having been caught in the rain several times on our walking tour in San Sebastian. After our walking tour we visited the Guggenheim Museum. We weren't impressed by the first floor. It was all modern art that no one really appreciated. The second floor however was truly amazing. We walked through rooms and rooms of paintings of landscapes by David Hockney. I loved all the colors he used and was so facinated by the way each of the paintings looked. I had never seen anything quite like it. In one of the rooms we decided to take a closer look so we stood right infront of the painting to appreciate it ... read more

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » Bilbao August 31st 2012

Seeing Guernica was amazing. The city is a symbol of freedom of Los Vascos and it is very sacred. I enjoyed the lecture that took place there today. Even though we weren’t there long and it was very small I felt like I learned a huge portion of the culture that I didn’t understand when I studied Guernica by Picasso. After that we had lunch near by at a restaurant in the OMA Forest which was beautiful scenery. I have to say all the hotels and restaurants we have stayed and eaten at have been beautiful and so nice. I’m glad we get to experience the best of the best before we are traveling on our own and staying in hostels. When we got to the Hotel in Bilbao we had a review session for ... read more

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