Blogs from Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, Asia - page 12


WHEW! Has it ever been a while! And an eventful one at that! Hello, all. I've missed you. So, the goings-on that can be easily explained with a word or two have been few and far between as of late. English Village is going through quite the rough spot now that H1N1 Influenza A is successfully circulating the country. This is causing all of the schools (who have had us booked solid through 2011 until now) to cancel their programs and packages with us. As a result, EV is losing a considerable sum of money. And, subsequently, the troubles are being handed down to us, the staff and faculty. That's about as simply as it can be put. In addition, the changes being brought about by certain members of administration are adding to the strain. Because ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do October 26th 2009

Welcome back to the Blog-abration Celebration (you didn’t forget about this did you?) of our year in Korea and of everything Korean. Cass and I returned to Montana, safe and sound, an are getting some semblance of normalcy back to our lives- more on that will come. I have a plan for two more final Blog-abration posts after this, and I’m sure the anticipation is killing you all (yeah, right). You probably already figured this theme was on its way. We’ve been fortunate to have met some amazing people in Yeoju (and the greater Korea) that we are sure will be lifelong friends. It’s a funny phenomenon, this ESL teaching thing, and if you read my article 7 Truths You Won't Hear About Teaching ESL Abroad , you’ll understand what I mean. This experience really helps ... read more
Cass and a few of her teacher/friends at dinner
Jon and his teacher/friends
The Wednesday Dinner Party

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang October 25th 2009

Hi everyone I know it's been awhile since I've last written, but I've had a very busy week, all of which I will be updating to you in painstaking detail. I, however, won't be reciting this past weeks events on this update because I'm currently on my brand new iPod touch brought here straight from America. I just wanted everyone to know that I'm doing great and updated blogs will be coming soon.... read more

Hi family, friends and neighbors, Life continues to be a blast. I've been very busy at work, teaching and helping other teachers pilot a new program here at English village. It is a new experience using different skills and I am enjoying that part of it. It has added up to doing work related activities over 50 hours a week which I am not enjoying. On the bright side, there are some Korean teachers taking the Harvard teaching course I am taking and we have become friends. Today they invited me for tea at the neighboring art village. Then one of the teachers offered to take me and Richard grocery shopping tomorrow. Yeah! Not having a car, that was a really blessing. A couple of times when talking to teachers, the subject of drinking came up. ... read more
More color
Shoe switch

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Ganghwa October 23rd 2009

With the promise of a mud beach, a much-needed vacation (after only working in S. Korea for little over a month), and a girls' slumber party, I headed over to Ganghwa-do where one of my new friends out of IMOE (Incheon Metropolitan Office of Education) had been placed. Our third party wasn't able to make it because of a last second hweh-shik(company dinner). I nervously followed my friend's directions from the Bupyeong Subway Station, guessing my way out of the maze-like exit and making it out to the main street (you know you are successful when you come out to a McDonalds and a big roundabout street). I crossed the street to the square. Note: You may think that automobiles at lights are stopped, but after one too many cars have jerked in your direction or ... read more
Lone Fisherman Off Mud Beach
The New Lunchables: Boxed Soju
Dried Fish

Hello everyone, I thought I only had a few takers on this blog, but I have a few more than I thought and I thank you for reading it. I have gradually become quite busy. As part of my work, I am taking a course out of Harvard call "Teaching for Understanding." That meets on 2 Saturdays a month, plus two nights a week. We also go to church on Sat. (the English service is on Sat.) or go with the boys on a field trip. I have started to teach a class twice a week, I am planning lessons and help guiding teachers--so I have a lot on my plate. I'm glad that there is a bit of a routine developing. It is a refreshing change from working in American public schools. Oct. 3rd was ... read more
Palm trees Yeah!
Sunrise view from hotel
Buddhist Temple

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do October 8th 2009

"Good bye!! We love you, Korea!" I’m going to interrupt just before the last of the Blog-abrations to let you know what we’ve been up to lately. Lots have been going on, plus a week in Japan, so for the last installments of Blog-abration, I know you’re all on the edge of your seats, please stay tuned… One last going away party, if you can call it that, was two days spent in Suwon, with a couple of our favorite ‘peeps’ (as Reagan would say) Reagan and Leandra. With the hanus traffic during the Korean Chusok (Korean Thanksgiving) holiday, it works out that Suwon is much closer to the airport, with a direct bus close by. Really though, we thought we’d spend some awesome time with awesome friends doing awesome things. It was just that. So ... read more
"Teacher, it's go to the home time."
Our Gangnam Apt. friends after driving us and all our stuff to the bus terminal
Full circle

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do October 4th 2009

Before coming to Korea, we couldn’t find any information on the designated town we were to call home for the next year. Literally, the only two solid bits of information, if you can call them that, in which we knew for sure was that Yeoju is the home for some kind of world ceramic festival and there is a premium outlet shopping mall in town. You could say we were going in pretty blind, but in the end, it was an absolute blessing. Before I get into Yeoju a little, we’re currently enroute to Japan, the final leg of our Asian experience. Those blogs are coming right up, sorry I’m a little behind on the writing- been a little busy. We officially have left Korea, Yeoju, our jobs, and friends which was all quite sad. As ... read more
Overpass Artwork
Sejong Rice
King Sejong

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do » Seongnam » Bundang September 29th 2009

Hello, hello, hello. After an uneventful weekend, I had a pretty good day at work. First off, I finally got my alien registration card, which means that Korea opens up to me a great deal. I'm getting a cell phone tomorrow. I also got a bank account today, which means that I get paid tomorrow, nice! Those are two awesome things that I've been restlessly waiting for. This weekend is Choesok (I think that's how it's spelled). Choesok is best described as Thanksgiving and Christmas rolled into one. In other words, three day weekend! The second cool part about this holiday is all the presents that I've been getting. Last week I got a really nice Polo coat from my co-teacher. Today I got a box full of the best oranges that are found in Korea, ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Gyeonggi-do September 28th 2009

It’s no secret, Korean food is a love/hate relationship. It never really allows any room for indifference; definitely one or the other… or both… or neither. For Cass and I, it’s both, but more along the lines of love, and I’m not too proud to say so. We’ve actually evolved to be somewhat of connoisseurs of the cuisine this last year, and it has been a wild ride. Anyone interested, I invite you to read an article I got published for more insight into our forays into the realm of Korean food, here’s the url= link, or head over to TheExpeditioner and the post I put up about the nastiness people eat all over the world. It’s all kind of amusing, I think. Since this is the blog-abration of all ... read more
Sam Gyeop Sal
Dalk Galbi Chuncheon style
Mandu, or Pot Stickers, or Dumplings

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