Blogs from Tokyo, Japan, Asia - page 201


Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Akihabara May 5th 2007

Today was Tokyo Tower day. After our morning breakfast of apple pie and fruit juice, we headed off to to the tower. First I wanted to go to TV Tokyo to hunt down Yossie XD as usual she wasn't there...she was most likely enjoying her last day as a morning musume member :p Anyway after taking photos of the TV Tokyo building we headed off towards Tokyo Tower.... we kinda made a detour to this shop which sold make up, I bought some foundation, eye shadow, eye liner and mascara. The lady was sooooooooooo nice, she gave us tonnes of free gifts inluding lip gloss, more foundation, a make up kit etc... she also saw how hot we were feeling and gave us a free orangy drink... it was quite nice :) After the freebies we ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 5th 2007

So, I just finished up my first day in Japan, and things are going splendidly so far. (By the way, I'm in Japan because my school has exams and I get a little time off for those...) Anyway, I flew out of Seoul early this morning (6 a.m. wake up call, baby!) and arrived in Tokyo (Narita) by 1pm or so. I took the train into Tokyo to check into my hostel, and then went out on the town. Fortunately, everything's gone smoothly so far. I was worried that with language barriers and whatnot I'd have a tough time. But, no! Everyone's been very helpful, and my English has gotten me by (I actually have a tendency to say things in Korean much of the time, but I'm working through that). So, today, tomorrow, and ... read more
Asakusa Temple
Asakusa Temple
Asakusa Temple

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ueno May 5th 2007

Well, We have finally succeeded in leaving Australia and making our way out into the big wide world. First of all, we would like to thank all those who stopped in at our farewell, was a great night and got very hazy towards the end, those Jager Bombs are pretty unforgiving! We managed to put a fair dent in the mountain of boozer stock and pretty much wrote off saturday on the couch afraid to move. Now for the Trip, Tuesday rolled around pretty quickly and while Lisa was well ahead of the game by having everything packed by Monday arvo, Ben was shoving things into the bag 45 mins before needing to be at the airport, but this helped in quickly deciding what was important and what were considered luxury items on a five month ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Harajuku May 4th 2007

Ok after abit of sleep, we got ready to have a fairly quiet day. I bumped into Rob and told him the adventures of the plane, and went to have a shower... soooooo needed. Our plans for today were to go to Shibuya, Harajuku and Shinjuku. First we went to Mister Dounuts for our morning Fruit Juice and Apple Pie :p Soooooooooooo tasty. As usual we woke up far too early for the shops to be open so we walked to Ueno Park. It was greenery day today so we managed to get into Ueno Zoo for free. We saw pandas, red pandas, bears, elephants sooo many animals. After looking at all the animals we made our way to the first Hello! Project shop of the day :p There wasn't anything left that i wanted so ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 4th 2007

Hey I have so many stories i'm not sure where to begin. I'll fill you in a bit more about my trip instead of the fact i'm still celebrating liverpools win the other night. I'm staying in a hotel in the ueno district which is a very short train ride from the city centre. On thursday as i was tired i had a lazy day just look round ueno. By the station is ueno park. It's a long path with paths off to the sides where you can see various shrines. At the top end is ueno zoo which i decided i wasn't going to see (big queues) but on my walk round i found another entrance. I won't go into to much details on the animals but these few stood out. i saw a ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 4th 2007

Thursday: Come Again to Kamakura! How's the sushi in Zushi? I had to make some quick changes. The camping trip to Yamaguchi was off. May 3rd, Constitution Day. Takeshi and I were getting along famously. Standing at the JR wicket where I learned it was no problem to extend my return journey free of charge, I asked if I could stay with my host the rest of Golden Week. He agreed. At his suggestion, we caught a noon train out of Shinjuku headed to Kamakura. The train was packed with holiday makers, seniors, families, a nice break from the suits. Kamakura lies an hour south of Tokyo, near the coast in Kanagawa Prefecture. On visits to museums and galleries, I'd noticed Kamakura Period stencilled under some beautiful wood carvings but I knew little of the ... read more
Kamakura, capital of Japan 1185-1333
ema & uma, Kamakura
ema, Kamakura

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 3rd 2007

The first thing I noticed as I stepped off the plane after my 6.5 hour flight from Bangkok was it was bloody cold, like 14 degrees. Granted it was 7 in the morning and got to 27 degrees during the day but it felt weird. Out came the hoodie which hasn't seen daylight since Kangaroo Island, bbrrr!!! Hotel is lovely and right in the centre of the action, loads of nice sushi restaurants, strip shows, pink palaces (i'll explain another time) and sights to see. The first day was a bit of a rubbish day, being a night flight from Bangkok and getting no sleep, my bed saw far too much of a person only in town for 3 days. Shame but I did venture out mid-afternoon and evening to see a few things and have ... read more
Neon paradise
I didn't need to Supersize...but hey!!
Tokyo Tower

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Asakusa May 3rd 2007

So it’s the first day in Japan.. I’m sooooooo excited… we landed at 9.15am this morning and yeah well didn’t start too well. Once we had been dropped off at the train station, kira and I went for a quick coffee and biscuit at Starbucks before heading off on the Skyliner to Ueno Station. Mad as we are, and sick of being on any moving transport we decided it would be fun to walk from Ueno station to The Taito Ryokan where we are staying. It was like an 8 min walk but it took us a little bit longer… we got a tiny bit lost :p I did get to practice my basic Japanese…   Me: すみません、どこですか。 Lady: いま。 Me: はい。 Lady points at map Me: ありがとぅございます。 Yeah so that was it XD so basic ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo » Ueno May 2nd 2007

This morning before we went to the airport, Kira and I went to the post office for funs… O.o sorta…. We then went to sainsburys for last min foods for flights. When we got back we watched some random mid day TV (Rubbish as usual) and the wonderful new that a helicopter had gone missing.. That is all that was on the TV I was kinda bored.. oh yeah and OK and Hello Magazines were still arguing :p Anyways back to travelling…. We left for the airport, our driver was INSANE.. I swear her was speeding!! He didn’t wear his seat beat and was just scary dodging in and out of cars :s. We got to the airport and it literally took us 5 mins to get though Heathrow check in and Security, I was sooooo ... read more

Asia » Japan » Tokyo May 2nd 2007

Tokyo & KamakuraKevin Gurr Monday Evening: Rendez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir? Takeshi and I had met on the internet. I learned he used to live in Hiro, the next stop after my old hometown of Kure. He'd been manager at Moss Burger, a popular not so fast food chain, for eight months. It was a big change from Tokyo for him. He enjoyed the spacious apartment, four times the size of his Tokyo place and rent at a quarter the cost. He enjoyed his small town co-workers too, their motherly kindness and how they treated their new Tokyo-gin manager like a celebrity. Naturally, he found it boring. We met out front Shinjuku Station south exit. Considering three metro lines and five rail lines converge at Shinjuku, it was surprising how easily we found each other. ... read more
Italian Bistro, Shinjuku San Chome
Sauna street sign, Shinjuku
The Blind Old Cat

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