Blogs from China, Asia - page 2215


Asia » China » Beijing June 13th 2006

So, finally here! Just discovered it's not as censored as I imagined.... able to log onto my hotmail and even use my mobile phone! After my journey here.. (got sitting next to lovely old Spanish lady who was trying unsuccessfully to strike up Spanish conversations and give me all her food!) found the hostel where I'm staying. Despite my ideas of China being a tropical paradise and not packing any waterproof clothesI in the past 36 hours I've managed to become soaked to the bone on 2 occasions and have trekked through mini rivers in the area I'm staying in my poor trainers, which I'm now going to have to bin! On the upside, I've seen a lot of amazing places in my short space of time. Spent today in Tianenman square and the Forbidden City. ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing June 13th 2006

Rain puddles on ancient stones where emperors trod. Curling dragons’ talons, silk wings and sparrows make M twirl and fly. So much space, and after the rain we suddenly see the sky! ... read more
Heels Up
En Route to the Forbidden City

Asia » China » Sichuan June 12th 2006

Hello, hello from the most beautiful place on earth! Two days at the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, and I don't want to leave. I had never imagined a place so amazing its untrue... travellers raved about it, but I had to see it to believe it. I headed up to Northern Sichuan from Chengdu on a 10 hour bus ride, and the journey was worth it. Saw the worst toilets EVER, (You just squat in a shared cubical gutter thing, so you see everything flowing past!!).... BUT also saw some a m a z i n g views-- ice mountain peaks, alphine valleys and tibetan villages along the way. Jiu Zhai Gou is located in the North of Schiuan province, which was once part of Tibet. It was my first glimpse into Tibetan culture, food and its ... read more
It's Blue
Tibetans call this lake

Asia » China » Xinjiang June 12th 2006

the LAMETAYEL ODAFIM travel store is just 5 minute away from my work and I stop there once in a while to look at stuff and get some inspiration. A year and a half ago I bought a few 2nd hand Lonely Planet books. I choose to buy books with exotic names and of places I will probably never visit so I can read about their history and look at the pictures to see places I will never see. One of the books I bought was about a highway - Karakorum highway. In the store I did not even recognize by looking at the map exactly where it was, only that it was deep in central-Asia. At home I understood it was a highway connecting Pakistan and western China. on one side a country i cannot ... read more
Kashgar - main Bazzar
Kashgar - main Bazzar
Kashgar - main Bazzar

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou June 12th 2006

The photos are from some of my daily activities in the city of Taizhou, Jiangsu Province of China, these past 2 days. There has not been a dull moment, and every day leaves much to ponder. I hope you enjoy them, and thank you for thinking of me on the other side of the world. Perhaps these photos will convey some of the culture shock awaiting any visitor to China:... read more
What table is waiting for these delicacies??
"Maybe I will turn into a Prince??"
Turtle soup anyone?

Asia » China » Guangxi » Wuzhou June 12th 2006

Ive been in Wuzhou for a week and I will be here for another three weeks because I am teaching in the English College here. Yes there is a funny story behind it and yes I will now tell you that funny story. Getting to Wuzhou was pretty easy. I had to catch the interstate bus from Zhauqing which was easy enough. I used my little pre-written cards to get my ticket and I just kept showing various people in uniforms my ticket and they ushered me in the right direction. The bus trip was disappointingly boring compared to the crazy local bus in Zhaoqing, but it did take me past some amazing sights. I was rice paddies for the first time. Not only rice paddies but water buffalo too! With all the mountains around it ... read more

Asia » China » Dongbei » Harbin June 11th 2006

Harbin, normally best known for its Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival which takes place in January, appeared on television sets around the world last November as the water supply of the city's 3.8 million inhabitants was cut off for several days. An accident at a chemical plant in a city upstream from Harbin had polluted the city's main water source, the Songhua river, with a 80-km long benzene slick. Since then, with the water supply back to normal, the city has once again retreated from the world stage, and it will probably remain largely forgotten in Europe until the next Ice Festival... We arrived in Harbin on Friday morning from Beijing. Perhaps it was not one of the most logical places to visit. Except for the winter months, the city's sights are largely restricted to some ... read more
Church of St Sophia

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an June 11th 2006

We've taken a little bit of time out from the scorching heat of Xi'an to update you with our progress since leaving Beijing on Thursday night... We took the 'hard sleeper' option overnight to Pingyao, southwest and inland from Beijing. We booked our tickets easily the day before from the ticket office inside Beijing Central Station (the lady at the far right booth spoke English :-)), and got onto the train without any real fuss. The West station (where we travelled from) is very well organised and felt more like an airport with baggage scanners, ticket checks etc... Don't be put off by the crowds in the gate waiting area - ticket checks are thorough and no-one will nick your seat! The sleeper berths are interesting - 2 beds wide and 3 beds high, they are ... read more
Yamen Hostel
Yamen Hostel Courtyard

Asia » China » Jiangsu » Taizhou June 11th 2006

My new colleague Hans (Schneider) has arrived a couple of months early in order to settle in before the start of the new school year in September. We hit it off immediately and have had a number of stimulating conversations about life, the universe and everything. In his first couple of weeks here he has made a big impression on the locals, especially due to his penchant for taking a myriad of photos of what many people here would probably consider mundane and of little interest. An added bonus is Hans brought his camera printer dock with him and so he is able to take photos one day, then give his subjects a copy the very next day. As you can imagine, they absolutely love this. Hans was here last summer to “scope” the place out ... read more
Hans' New Friend
Tranquility in Mei Leifang Garden
Sue in Mei Leifang Garden

Asia » China » Beijing June 11th 2006

You think New York is crazy...check out Beijing, China...rules of the road are definitely not obeyed...I've had close encounters with "Death" disguised as buses, cars, taxis, bikes, and even people. Though the road may have lanes, it is pretty much an open racetrack with a couple of traffic lights (which serve no useful purpose) here and there. Fortunately, the people here are SOMEWHAT cautious. Basically, they just try not to run over you. Oh by the way, I'm a foreigner on a bike; we travel in packs and stay in packs so that we don't get run over; it's a way of life. If you read about the bike, you know how dangerous my life is on the road...but I deal with it and I try to take public transportation as much as possible (specifically a ... read more
Busy Street

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