Blogs from Lhasa, Tibet, China, Asia - page 24


Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa June 4th 2006

The day started like any other. Got up brushed our teeth, etc.....oh wait you don't need to know all that you want to know what's up with the title of this blog?? Well the bad day started with a 530am wake up call, that's not all that bad, but it's still early! The day got a little worse after 4 hours of driving we arrived at a restaurant and after eating a very poor meal we found out the prices listed in the menu were not Yuan (Chinese Currency) but in American dollars. So instead of 2Y it was more live 15Y. That is a fairly hefty ticket for a meal that was not that good!! Ok still not a bad day enough for you? Let me just say that Tibet's roads are not quite done ... read more
Us in front of the broken truck
Four of us

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa June 4th 2006

Hi everyone! We have now been in beautiful Tibet for 4 days. The city is almost 12,000 feet above sea level... so we are slow moving at best! But it is amazing! The people are so gorgeous and friendly... and the food is a mixture of Nepalise, Tibetian, Chinese, and Indian, so we are in heaven, literally as we are on the roof of the world. We are off tomorrow on a 12 day land rover adventure... to Everest, and to hang out with some nomads and stuff... so probably you wont hear from us for a couple of weeks. Lots of love! ... read more
Potala Palace
Spices anyone!?

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa June 1st 2006

We had to leave our fine ship in Chonqing, then a bus trip to Chengdu. Very early the next morning we flew to Lhasa Tibet. The city is at 13000 feet so breathing was hard work! We did some touring around a large temple with many street vendors and had an introductory lecture from a professor atTibet University. Today we toured the Jokharo Temple, a buddhist temple built AD 700. Many pilgrims, incense, prayer wheels and yak butter candles. We were glad we had done some reading on buddhism, helped make some sense of the many buddhas that we saw. In the afternoon, after a nap (remember the 13000 feet) we went to the Sera Monastery. There are some 550 monks living there. We toured the temple. It was an awesome experience to be in a ... read more

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 9th 2006

After our trek, we decided to spend some down time in Lhasa. We did a lot of eating, sleeping, and know, all the creature comforts. These 3 days of relaxing gave me time to walk around and snap photos, to seek out the details that make Tibet what it is. There are so many subtleties here. The low murmur of pilgrims making koras around the Jokhang, the sometimes suffocating smoke of burning juniper (i guess it's not THAT subtle), the smell of yak butter, the dirty hands of pilgrims or children asking for money, the almost inaudible squeak of spinning prayer wheels, the late afternoon light that always seems to grace to Jokhang, the constant mantra of shop keepers---"hello, have a look," and the sound of prostrating pilgrims as they scrape up and down on ... read more
monk garments
afternoon at the Jokhang

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 8th 2006

Sorry guys, this blog was a long time coming. It is the begging of the Tibet journey. There is something about “Tibet” that makes you think of National Geographic—the land that seems so isolated, desolate and deadly. It is home to the largest mountain ranges with the largest mountains in the world. The vast land in southwest China had a great appeal to me that I was unaware of until the proposal of going for the May holiday was mentioned. As soon as the prospect of going to Tibet was thrown up, I jumped on it. I wouldn’t let the idea go. It was enough for me just to step foot off the air plane onto the land, look around, then get back on the airplane just so I could say “I’ve been to Tibet.” ... read more

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 6th 2006

So we have spent the last couple of days bumming around Lhasa, checking out the sights and feasting on 25cent chocolate and yak burgers. First up we saw the Jokhang, the most important and oldest temple in Tibet. It is full of pilgrims offering money, katag (white prayer scarves) and yak butter for the candles, and smells of the juniper smoke that is offered into the air. It is very dark and windy and filled also with chanting monks in burgundy robes - really atmospheric and like a whole different world. We followed the pilgrims round all of the tiny chapels where there were hundreds, even thousands of statues made from wood, gold, silver and precious stones - just jawdropping! We climbed to the roof and had great views over the city and across to the ... read more

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 4th 2006

For the last day in Tibet, we decided to watch the sunrise. One of our group members said we should wake up at 4:30am. So we all did, but the sun didn't rise until 7:30...yeah, we were freezing our booties off. The national guards thought we were crazy foreigners. I think I have to agree with them. The whole purpose for waiting for the sunrise is that one picture you see...The ONE MILLION DOLLAR PICTURE OF POTALA. Was it worth it? hmmm..I still have to think about it. Tibet was an experience. I also have to say it will be my first and last time visiting the place. The views and scenery were soooo awesome and soooo beautiful, but I don't know if I am willing to suffer the torture of high altitude sickness. The scenery ... read more
Scenery I
Scenery II
Mountain Carving

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 4th 2006

hey everybody!!! im in lhasa, tibet in a sketchy internet bar right now. i do not want to spend my night in here, so i am only going to say hey and let everybody know that i am alive and having a great time and now am officially an adult. i will write an entry about my trip to tibet when i get back to beijing on sunday, so you can look forward to that. okay talk to you all soon. ahhh i only have 3 more weeks in the motherland...i need to go wander the streets and soak up the china.... read more

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 4th 2006

For our May vacation, the rest of the American exchange students and I are traveling Tibet. I'm currently at an internet bar in Lhasa. This entry will probably have to take more than one entry, especially since I only have an hour here. One of the highlights for me so far was spending the night at a monestery at the base of Mt. Everest (despite altitude sickness problems) in a room that a monk had to give up for us, due to lack of space in the guest hotel. The monks were extremely generous with their rooms-- one actually slept on the floor of his, so that two of my classmates could have the two beds. The rooms were beautiful, and we were all very grateful. I'm going kind of out of order here, but another ... read more

Asia » China » Tibet » Lhasa May 1st 2006

Back at my fave internet hotspot in Lhasa! Most internet places are sooooooooo slow as apparently there are around 33,000 internet police in China so everything goes through a massive filtering process! Been wandering around the Jokhang area this morning and saw the delightful sight of a little child going to the toilet in the main street ( number 2's!). The fashion here is for trousers with splits in them ( no nappies) so children just squat down and go where they need to. Haven't daren't to think too much about the implications for babes in arms and how that works! However, backtracking 2 minutes later there was no sign of the mess so there is obviously an efficient clean up system at work, and I should hasten to add the trend is amongst young children ... read more
 Langmusi monastery
A little place called Tiannamen Square....
Tuktuks in Beijing

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