Blogs from Brunei, Asia - page 11


Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan July 5th 2009

This is my first bear with me.....I'm new to this. I am currently in still in Kolkata-India, and I am soon to be having my leaving party. It's very very sad, I have been here just under a year, and have met some incredible people. The children are amazing, and secretly I want to take everyone of them with me! They have been busily making me a present (according the the youngest in my class, who naughtily tells me every secret), which I know will make me cry. I in fact have been crying for the last week, the only thing that pulls me back together is knowing that I will be coming back here in two years. Before that I will go to Brunei (in three days), for a new teaching assignment as a ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan June 17th 2009

(Day 439 on the road)Bandar Seri Begawan is a strange place. It is the capital of the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam, by far smallest country in South-East Asia, which is in turn by far the richest country here due to its abundant oil reserves. In fact, the Sulatn of Brunei is one of the richest men in the world. What Bandar (as the locals call it) lacks completely however, is atmosphere. It is difficult to imagine that a country enveloped by vivid Malaysia can feel so boring. Even sterile and policed Singapore has a much nicer feel to it. We arrived on the day of Karen's birthday, and had a seriously difficult time to find a restaurant that was just a little more upmarket than the typical Chinese or Indian corner-restaurant with their plastic chairs and ... read more
Probiscus monkey flashing his teeth
Splashing out a bit on Karen's birthday

Asia » Brunei May 6th 2009

An early start saw us at the ferry terminal to buy tickets for our trip to the island of Labuan, which is 8 kilometres off the coast of KK and as it sits at the mouth of Brunei Bay is the route most people take to get to Brunei. It takes 3 hours to reach Labuan and I hated the whole trip. Boats and I don't gel and as my stomach was already queasy I spent the whole trip with my eyes glued to the horizon. It was on Labuan that the Japanese forces in Borneo surrendered at the end of the war and were their officers responsible for the Sandakan Death Marches were tried. I stayed with the luggage whilst Jerry caught a taxi to visit the Commonwealth War Cemetry where 4000 Commonwealth servicemen ... read more
The beautiful mosque in Bandar Seri Begawan
Mosqu at Bandar Seri Begawan
Proboscis Monkey

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan April 30th 2009

We caught a boat from the main pier in KK to the busy port Island of Labuan for a short stop before catching the next boat (with no AC or outside airflow, yuck!) to Brunei. When we arrived in Brunei we found that there wasn't a money changer or ATM and we needed to catch the bus into town. A Swiss couple (who Geoff had previously met at Mt. Kinabalu) had already offered and paid for us. Later we found out that the bus took Ringhit and you can use Singapore dollars at par in most places. The first afternoon we spent the evening with the couple and took pictures of the beautiful mosque downtown. We got a peak inside after we put on black gowns; the girls got completely covered from head to toe. For ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan April 16th 2009

Day 289: Tuesday 14th April - Arriving in the Sultan’s Kingdom I make a mental calculation on my journey to Brunei. When I arrive, this will be the 16th country I have set foot in during the last 10 months. Crossing the border into Brunei uses probably the best mode of transport I’ve used yet to do a border is by boat. First, I catch a ferry from KK to Labuan Island, three hours from KK. In Labuan, we have a two hour stop over before boarding another boat for the hour crossing to Brunei. The two hours is just enough to get some lunch and then check up on my emails. I’ve been in contact with a tour agency in Miri about doing a tour to Mulu National Park. They can’t do the day ... read more
1. School in Kampung Ayer, Brunei
6. The colourful water village, Kampung Ayer, Brunei
9. Kampung Ayer has every amenity....the petrol station

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan February 14th 2009

February 14th Okay! Wow! We woke with less than half an hour before check-in closed. It was straight up and off running first to check in and then through security. By the time we had fully woken up, we had taken off. The alarm had gone off but cleverly, I had placed it inside a pocket of my bag. It was quite a long flight before we landed in Brunei. For some reason we thought it would only be a couple of hours or so. Anyway, we landed and realised that we had absolutely ages before our next flight to Manila. Kindly though, the airline gave us a free tour of the city! The first time I have heard of such kindness by any airline. About ten of us hopped on a bus and headed right ... read more
parliament hall
wooden houses

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan February 11th 2009

Zjutraj sem sla s Paulom, da me je spotoma v sluzbo zategnil do glavne ceste, kjer sem spet sedla na lokalni bus. Tokrat je bila neka druga linija, ki je pejlala vse naokoli, med drugim tudi mimo letalisca (ki je RES za vogalom in za tretjino Brnika - jap, tudi to je mozno), preden smo prisli spet v center. Sla sem na zajtrk v ze znani kafic Mekong, nekaj pojedla in popila (tokrat me zal ni nihce castil), potem pa novim dogodivscinam naproti. Hotela sem v hotel Empire, zato sem sla na bus postajo, ker mimo menda pelje lokalni bus. Nategnili so me, da moram za pot placati dva dolarja in ne le enega, kolikor sicer stanejo voznje. Nekaj casa sem se se pogovarjala in pregovarjala, a so mi smejoci Indonezijci dali vedeti, da je to ... read more
One beach ...
Another beach ...
Soba z razgledom

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan February 10th 2009

Vstala sem kar zgodaj, pred Paulom, ker sem hitela v mesto: vceraj sem se namrec s tistim Kanadcanom zmenila za book exchange, ker sem ravno ze skoraj koncala svojo knjigo, on pa jih je imel tudi na zalogo ze prebranih in je rabil nove. Tako da sem bila ob sedmih ze na poti do glavne ceste, kjer sem morala ujagati bus do centra. Vmes sem malo probavala stopati, ker so mimo vecinoma vozili starsi, ki so otroke skipali v soli, sedaj pa so se peljali na delo v center, a brez uspeha. Vcasih se mi je kdo se nasmehnil izza armature, ampak dalje so peljali vsi in tako sem po 20 minutah pripesacila do glavne ceste. Tudi tam so mi kdaj pa kdaj ustavili (ne da bi iztegnila palec), ampak so vsi hoteli od tri do ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan February 9th 2009

Paul me je na zajtrk odpeljal nekam, kamor sam zelo rad zahaja, kadar pac zajtrkuje zunaj (kar pa je redko, ker zaradi dela je doma). Danes je zaradi ravnokar prebolelih noric se na dopustu, tako da sva si to lahko privoscila. Narocil mi je fried kao glass noodles (but not) s kalcki in ribjim filejem, sebi pa neke druge nudlne iz njegovega rodnega kraja kaksno uro voznje od tukaj, kjer sicer zivi njegova druzina; za oba je narocil se bean curd dessert! Gre v bistvu za tofu v nekem ne presladkem sirupu, v bistvu sploh ni sladko, je pa za crknit dobro. I like! Zraven se je lepo podal ledeni zeleni caj. Stalo naju je dobre 4 brunejske dolarje po glavi. Odpeljal me je v center in me odlozil pred enim glavnih nakupovalnih centrov, kjer je ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan February 8th 2009

Sla sva na zajtrk kar cez cesto k mamak, in sicer na roti telur bawong (roti breadwith onion and egg) in roti boom (roti bread with butter, sugar and coconut spread). ni treba poudarjati, da je bilo oboje, ceprav povsem na razlicnih polih okusov, bajno. Zatem sva sla s ena morning market (ker imam pac rada standard), ker je bila ravno nedelja, ko je najvec guzve. Kupila sem hladno sojino mleko in vrecko kuhane cicerike, ki jo prodajajo kar tako kot kokice. I like! Oboje je bilo po 1,20ringgitov, kar je recimo da enih 30 centov USD. Ni slabo. V primerjavi s Tajsko je celo ceneje in bolj dostopno, ampak rec je pac z marketa, kjer je ponavadi vse ceneje kot pa v stacuni. Sla sva nazaj domov, ker me je pac cakalo pakiranje. Pri tem ... read more
Bye bye Nicky

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