Blogs from Brunei, Asia - page 13


Asia » Brunei September 10th 2008

Kurze Zwischenstation auf Borneo, bevor es weiter in Richtung Kambodscha geht: Brunei. Ein Land mit rund 300.000 Einwohnern und genuegend Oel, damit sich keine Sorgen ueber irgendwas machen muss. Es gibt keine Steuern, kostenlose Bildung und Gesundheitsfuersorge fuer alle. Das Oberhaupt, der Sultan scheint auch ein netter Kerl zu sein: Er finanziert 1.000 Studenten pro Jahr das Auslandsstudium und laedt die Bevoelkerung waehrend des Rhamadan in seinen Palast ein um mit ihnen zu beten, zu dinieren und um jedem Geldgeschenke zu machen. Nun gut, "die Bevoelkerung" ist vielleicht ein bisschen generell: natuerlich nur die muslimischen Maenner, aber das waeren im Extremfall immernoch 100.000 Menschen, die nach Essen und Geld fragen... Der erste Abend in Brunei beginnt gleich mit einer Ueberraschung. Es ist 23.00, der letzte Bus fuhr vor 5 Stunden (denn in Brunei wird nur bis ... read more
Omar Ali Saifuddien Moschee
Omar Ali Saifuddien Moschee

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan August 31st 2008

Oh how we were looking forward to the 24 hour flight over!!! To our dismay we only realised a few days before the trip that there were actually two stop overs, one in Brunei and one in Dubai. It's amazing how much of a roller coaster ride the flight over is. I'm not talking about the actual flying, instead the emotional roller coaster. The next few entries are our own roller coaster ride. We got to the airport with plenty of time to spare thanks to my lovely twin sister (thanks again Wen). So after some time waiting around, a quick bite of lunch we headed through customs. Royal Brunei doesn't serve alcohol during the flight, but you can BYO. How cool is that!! So we purchased a bottle of wine and a six pack of ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan August 17th 2008

As I flew into Brunei for an overnight stopover, I got to thinking it's been far too long since the last visit to Asia, a region in the world that has long been a personal favourite of mine. But nothing lasts forever, and it's great to have an overnight stay in the Sultanate of Brunei. This small country on the north west coast of Borneo enjoys a very high standard of living, thanks to the oil and gas reserves located just offshore. Somehow it feels familiar to experience a taste of Asian culture again, and the opulence of the capital Bandar Seri Begawan after many years spent travelling in other continents. But let's get the journal up to date then, constant reader. We left off in Liverpool with a Beatles fanatic in seventh heaven. After my ... read more
Reunion in London
The beautiful mosque
Chariot of the Sultan

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan August 10th 2008

lazing by a pool in hot sunshine and thinking back over the last few days. We managed to get to Mulu National Park although we had to stay just outside the park in a local guesthouse. That was an experience in living like the local people - water had to be pumped up out of the river into a large bin in the bathroom - then it was shower yourself with a scoop. The only trouble was that there was no water on the first day, so we learnt the hard way!! I need to go back a step first - to get to the park you either take a 10 hour boat ride or, in our case a short ride in a plane - powered by propellors. That was fine except the clouds came down ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan July 10th 2008

Let me set a scene for you - there are three of us on this trip and for these two nights we have shared a room with three beds. So far so good! Last ight I slept like a log after travelling for 24 hours with very little sleep, so tonight I assumed I would do the same again. Not a bit of it!! We came in after our meal at the local fast food street market, I chose noodles and sadly some chicken, which turned out to be chickens tails or the Parson's Nose and not being at all fond of them I left them, but really enjoyed the coconut milk which was served in a hacked out coconut. It was clear though, not milky like my previous experiences of the natural drink. Perhaps because ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan July 10th 2008

It's hot, wonderfully hot in Brunei - and glorious. We arrived yesterday at some time near mid-day, Royal Brunei airways were excellent, the food, servie etc all extremely good. From the airport we caught a bus for $1 into town and were dropped off right outside our hotel. After a little siesta we walked into the centre of town, to explore. It reeally is quite a quiet and ordered city, the traffic is not moving at some incredible speed and I have not yet heard anyone use their horn (is that the word for it?!!) The main mosque is having a face lift but it looks beautiful- golden dome and its lit at night. The streets ar also lit up - a bit like Blackpool says Shirley!! We explored the outside market last night after a ... read more
Street lights with a differece.
More lights.
Hairy fruit

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan July 3rd 2008

Yesterday I had to go to work. Today I don't have to. This is what retirement is. Welcome to my Travel Blog! During the last month I've piled in sixteen entries to show a little of Brunei Darussalam, where I've been living for the last five years (deep at the bottom of the pile), and the major holiday trips I've made to different Asian countries. You may have seen some of the material elsewhere. Now I go live! Tomorrow I set out on an erratic journey which will finish in Sydney during October. It will take me first to Kuching and Kota Kinabalu in Malaysian Borneo. My goal then is to travel between Thailand and Hong Kong by train and by boat, via Cambodia, Vietnam and Southern China (but only if they agree to give me ... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan June 29th 2008

I am off on another wandering trip soon, so if my emails to you are no longer welcome (ooh that probably means you don't like the fact that I am gallivanting again!) please send me an email and I will take your name off the list. Now where is my new rucksack!... read more

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan June 17th 2008

Creatures in Brunei don't seem as menacing as creatures in NSW. The leaf insect in the first two pictures was outside my supermarket. The lizard was up a tree in the forest. I photographed all ll the bugs and moths inside my flat.... read more
Leaf Insect
Wasp Nest

Asia » Brunei » Bandar Seri Begawan June 16th 2008

The range of pitcher plants and orchids that I've seen in Brunei is amazing. Here are some of my favourites. The orchids are probably mainly hybrids, but the pitcher plant is a rather humble natural breed which found growing in the wild. This one was a vine that grew all over the ground and up into the trees. The orchids are growing at the government-owned Rimba Orchid Centre, while we found the pitcher plants in the Berakas Forest Reserve.... read more
Pitcher Plant
Pitcher Plant
Pitcher Plant

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