Blogs from Jambiani, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa


Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani November 16th 2018

Zjutraj naju je še lepo upsavalo nazaj v spanec »škrebljanje« dežja. Se je vlilo in ker ni oken na šipah se je fajn slišal dež. Ko sva vstala je tudi deževalo, rahlo. Torej brez sonca danes. Kar nama je odkrito povedano, prav pasalo, glede na to, da naju je včeraj pa malo le zacmarlo. Šofer je prišel po naju ob 10ih, ko sem se vsedla v avto je za mano sedel še en njegov prijatelj; madona sem se ga vstrašla! Sploh nisem pričakovala, da še sedi kdo za mojim hrbtom, pa še tak črni so ko noč ti domorodci tukaj. Skratka, šli smo na drugo stran otoka, severno od Zanzibar cityja, to je zahodni del otoka, midva sva na spodnjem vzhodnem delu. Tu so baje najlepše plaže, na tej strani. In smo šli pogledati t.i. suženjske ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani November 14th 2018

Kaj bova počela pa danes? Nič pametnega.. ha ha ha zajtrk sva si vzela na easy, kot vsaki dan seveda. Poklicala sva Injo preden je šla v v vrtec. In potem je spet zmanjkalo štroma. In ga ni bilo… mahnila sva jo v smeri proti Paje, to je tam, kjer sva bila prvi dan; sja danes kaj dosti res ne bom imela za pisat, ker res nisva počela nič pametnega. Prva postaja nama je bila masaža na plaži; tete so naju super istočasno zmasirale. Čeprav sva najprej mislila, da naju bo pobralo od vročine v kolibi s pogledom na morje, naju ni. Aja, še prej naju je ustavil en majstor, ki prodaja kajtanje, ture, transferje itd. in gled ena to, da nisva za ležanje… naju je prepričal za en izlet, da se nama bo dogajalo še ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani November 11th 2018

PO dveh letih sva se odpravila spet novim dogovodivščinam naproti. Že ko sva bila na Šri Lanki, z Injo v trebuhu, malo pikico, sva rekla, da bova 1 x na leto pa šla sama na oddih. In zdaj 18 mesecev po prihodu najinega največjega zaklada na svet, nama je uspelo. Izbrala sem (Vili je rekel – bilokam, izberi, meni je vseeno J), sem izbrala nekaj, kjer je toplo, cenovno zelo ugodno in ne predolgo za letet. In v okolici ni bilo drugega, kot Zanzibar. J Iz Benetk via Istanbul direkt na Zanzibar, otoček ob tanzanijski obali, večji, kot Sejšeli. Malo adrenalina je bilo na menjavi leta v Istanbulu, kjer sva dobesedno odletela iz prvega aviona v drugega in molila boga, pride tudi prtljaga z nama. Let je bil OK, malo nas je treslo, malo sva spala, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani January 28th 2017

Bon bein voilà on y est... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani October 2nd 2013

Zanibar Beach Resort part 2 Nothing exciting today, just relaxation. Sailed on a local dhow-hand carved wooden boat lashed together with rope. Exciting ride with stiff breeze. Mark , I think this is the perfect sailboat for you and Sheri. Low maintenance with a gallon jug cut in half for a bilge pump. No worries about life jackets- just swim to shore if you capsize. Would have snorkeled but water too rough. Swam in Indian Ocean for first time- very warm. Walked beach for a few miles and spent a lot of time talking to locals. They struggle to survive when tourist season is low as it is now. Many make a living spearing fish but hotels are not buying due to low census. Women gather and sell seaweed. All love to speak with Americans as ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani October 1st 2013

Zanzibar Beach Resort Most relaxing day yet. Time at pool, reading, walking beach, gathering shells. Linda making friends with locals. Too much sun. Masai security got aloe plant and opened for skin treatment. People here are very friendly, all speak English. Selling wares on the beach but not aggressive like Mexico. More of same tomorrow, maybe some snorkeling if we feel ambitious.... Happy B-day Nancy!... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani September 30th 2013

Zanzibar Drove To Arusha yesterday and bid our guide SP goodbye. We spent countless hours with him over the past week and came to know him very well. He hopes to travel to the US with his wife and daughter and has an open invitation to stay with usAnother flight on small plane and short drive to Stonetown on Zanzibar. Ancient city with narrow winding pedestrian pathways through city, congested streets, hot with a lot of commotion. Sirens and evening prayers broadcast from various locations occurring after sunset in this Muslim city. Air condition not working- moved to a different room, not the best stay.Traveled today to the east coast of the island. Interesting drive through city with many markets including fish market with sharks and rays being sold literally from the street. Amazing that people ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani July 19th 2012

Azure blue waters, blinding white coral sand that is so soft it's like talcum powder, coconut palms swaying in a gentle breeze, a hot tropical sun, a room with a king-sized bed that stands 3 feet high and you literally have to climb into which has views of all of the above - travelling in Africa can be tough sometimes. This is the perfect place to end my travels. Have been snorkelling in the lagoon a couple of times, it's not The Red Sea or Sipadan but have spotted Lion Fish, Clown Fish, Puffer Fish, Sea Snake, Eel, Lobster and the usual array of fish usually associated with a tropical aquarium. Organised a car and a party of 4 of us to go to the Rock Restaurant about 20km up the coast on Tuesday night. Visually ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani January 23rd 2011

Jambiani made my day. The locals were friendly - a refreshing change from Stone town and Kendwa - we could walk through the village without being harassed and just enjoyed talking and meeting the locals. I was ready to leave after Kendwa but I'm very grateful we stayed to see Jambiani - it was far more what I expected Zanzibar to be. Although the downside was that the beach literally disappeared during the day, though late afternoon and early in the morning it was perfect. The second day I didn't get out of bed - I think it was a bad reaction to the Malaria tablets but I was dizzy, spaced out, my body and head hurt and I had zero appetite. I thought I might have Malaria, but the test proved otherwise. I slept most ... read more
In the Village and Up a tree
Don and me with a local fishing boat
Me by a local fishing boat

Africa » Tanzania » Zanzibar » Jambiani August 5th 2009

Sorry it has been a little while since I last wrote but it has certainly been an eventful few weeks. I have parted company with a fantastic trio of travelers that I had met along the way and (withvarious degrees) kept me out and gotten me into a lot of trouble along the way. Certainly, traveling is all about the experiences along the way but the company you have and find along the way can change the nature of the trip completely. I’ve been lucky enough to have metsome brilliant, witty and inspirational folks along the way and it wassad to say goodbye as we entered Tanzania after a whirlwind and unexpected trip around Southern Africa. Though it was sad to leave my new amigos, it was great to meet up with two fantastic friends from ... read more
Day 2: Shrubs
Weird trees/plants??
Day 3:  Pretty much desert

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