Blogs from Tangier-Tétouan, Morocco, Africa - page 21


Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Asilah September 23rd 2007

During the summer 2007, this was with Asilah that I started my trip around Morocco...This is a GREAT alternative to Tangier when you get to the country by ferry! It's a really beautiful town, with blue and white tones, by the ocean, quiet, nice people,........ read more
mural in Asilah
Still in Asilah...

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier August 12th 2007

Ola! I miss you all! I am in Seville, Spain currently, but am leaving tomorrow for ..........................................................................................................Morocco, Africa!!!!! I have officially lost it. I met Bruno, from Switzerland, at a bus station in Seville and he has convinced me to travel with him to Morocco tomorrow.......we are taking a ferry across the Strait of Gibraltar in the afternoon and will be in Tangier by nightfall. Crazy. I am pretty (well, really) nervous about it, but I had been debating going and now I have a French speaking companion, so I hope we can be safe...... By the way, Seville is beautiful!! Looks just like its "sister city"--Kansas City!! Andy ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen May 27th 2007

21-27 May I left Marrakesh full of orange juice and started making my way back to northern Morocco in preparation for returning to Spain. My desination was the town of Chefchaouen in the Rif Mountains, and it proved to be a good choice. The town was big enough to accomodate all traveling needs but small enough to not feel overcrowded. The old part of town is off-limits to cars, so it was nice an quiet, and day hikes and treks in the nearby mountains were easy. Chefchaoen is about 550 years old and, like many out of the way mountain communities, historically had its own little peculiarities and quirks. In this particular instance, they didn't like people coming and poking their noses into the town's business. So much so that Christians were barred from the ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen May 25th 2007

I considered it an omen. The moon was in cresent just past new and right below it almost close enough to be touching was the brightest light in the night sky and one of the only ones strong enough to burn through the surronding light pollution. It was definitely a plantet probably Venus as the evening star. Much the same way the ancient Maya used certain alignments of Venus (the celestial embodiment of one of the Hero Twins from the Popul Vuh) as a sign of the right time to make war on their neighbors or enemies I'd be taking this cosmic alignment as a heavenly blessing on my upcoming travels. That was the night before I left and flew from Seattle to New York and then on to Casablanca. Having to pick up my ... read more
Interior Hasan II Mosque
chandelier Hasan II mosque
door detail Hasan II mosque

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen May 7th 2007

Casa-Tangier-ChefchaouenTom Griffith I have heard Tangier described as many things - the 'Armpit of Morocco', 'Africa's Tijuana', 'a complete dump', 'a hole', and, perhaps more tactfully, 'where East meets West'. I had spoken to people who had been here, and was told crazy trales of people being stabbed, of marauding packs of stray dogs, of vice and sleaze. So I was kind of prepared for a real craphole of a city. In fact, Tangier is a bit of a dump, but it is also quite cool in a seedy, dodgy kind of way. It is definitely a port city - the place is full of sleaze-merchants of every description: drug-pushers, touts, prostitutes, drunks, lowlifes, and plenty of mad old blokes. On my way to a Tangier internet cafe, a wild-haired old loony stopped me and shouted, ... read more
Chef Medina
Under the Rif
The arrival of Jones

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen April 28th 2007

Mein Handy ist mir in Marokko abhanden gekommen. Eigentlich wundert's mich ja, dass das bin anhin das Einzige gewesen ist aber man soll sowas ja nicht beschwoeren, aergerlich ist halt nur, dass ich nun ueberhaupt keine Telefonnummern mehr hab. Also bittebitte schickt mir doch die Nummern per Email ( ), damit ich wieder ein vollwertiges Mitglied der Kommunikationsgesellschaft werden kann. Werd mir in den USA wieder eins zulegen & bin dann grad auch schoen beschaeftigt mit eintippen.... read more

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Chefchaouen April 28th 2007

Tarifa-Chaouen Nachdem ich also sechs Tage in Tarifa verbracht hatte gings voller Tatendrang auf die Faehre nach Tanger in Marokko, musst einfach mal wieder n bisschen rumkommen und um's vorneweg zu nehmen; es war einfach phaenomenal! In Tanger also zuerst mal von der Faehre gestiegen und wie man das so kennt wird man sofort von 100 Leuten bestuermt die alle irgendwie beim Tourismusbuero arbeiten und einem natuerlich voellig uneigennuetzig helfen wollen. Uh, vor dem hat's mir ja gegraut war gar nicht schlimm, zuerst immer eine Rauchen, die Lage peilen und mit Leuten sprechen (schon wieder franzmaennisch!), die offensichtlich nicht beim Tourismusministerium arbeiten (ca. 2% der Bevoelkerung) und der - eigentlich war's ja nur Einer - gab mir dann gute Tipps wie z.B. wo's guenstige Taxis gibt und ab was die kosten sollen also dann Geld gewechselt ... read more
Meine Strasse
Aeltere Damen

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier April 12th 2007

I usually associate Star Wars fans with spotty teenagers, balding middle aged men and other stereotypical geeks at giant convention centres in first world countries. Apparently, I'm wrong. The biggest Star Wars club seems to exist in Morocco, judging by the fraternity of Obi Wan we infiltrated deep in the Tangier medina. These fans are so dedicated that they wear Obi Wan couture 24/7. Admittedly the jellaba looks quite comfy and you could be wearing just about anything underneath and still get away with it in public. Still, the pointy hooded, brown-robed look seems less like traditional Moroccan dress and far more like rabid Star Wars fan attire. Although unsurprisingly the older Moroccan men who tend to wear the jellaba don't seem quite so spotty, balding or geeky. In fact, they look quite dignified sipping ... read more
In the medina - the pink phase
Obi Wan's brother lives in the medina!
Laundry on the terrace

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier April 9th 2007

Here are a few pictures from our time in Morocco.... read more
In the market
Our guide

Africa » Morocco » Tangier-Tétouan » Tangier January 28th 2007

okay so with the photos on this page; it should work by going tp the gallery and then double clicking on the photo of me at the grand canyon. all the photos have been uploaded and when i log on; not through through the ad,inistration part i can see them. hope it works. well im going to upload a photo of me after a moroccan haircut, its more like a shaved head; it was a hell of an experience. when the hairdresser pulled out the razor and started waving it around i started to get a touch nervous. I think even though at times it can be hard here in morocco im going to miss it in a strange way. The ppl on the whole are very friendly and it really does make u aprreciate how ... read more

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