Blogs from Aswan, Upper Egypt, Egypt, Africa - page 18


Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan February 3rd 2008

For the past five years I have been travelling to Egypt. One of the most charming things a traveller can do is to travel up the Nile from Aswan to Edfu by felluca. I am not a young traveller, but I have found that the most rewarding experiences in Egypt come when you get to know the people. Not the hucksters, the regular Egyptians. I was fortunate on my first trip - which was a standard fully booked tour, that I met a few and in the years since I have taken advantage of these friendships to get to know the people more intimately. One of my favorite people in Egypt is a young man named Habibi. He has two boats - a regular motoring boat and a felluca. He offers completely personalized tours around the ... read more
Felluca set up for the night.

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan February 2nd 2008

Saturday morning we were still in Aswan so we had a chance to do a camel ride. Yay! I was a bit nervous about this, but once we got going, it was really quite fun. About half of us decided to do it - me, Chantelle, Lauren, Megan, Sophie, Khanh and Anthea. It was a little nerve-racking first getting on and off, but in between it was kind of relaxing - just bouncing along as you ride through the desert. There were a bunch of guides who followed along with us and kind of guided the camels so you really didn't need to worry about anything. I think we rode for about an hour out to St Simeon's Monastery. Took some great pictures - especially of me on my camel! Her name was Macarena and she ... read more
Chantelle and her camel
Riding through the desert
Anthea and Megan

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan February 1st 2008

So to my pleasant surprise, our riverboat was not scheduled to depart from Aswan until Saurday afternoon, which gave us lots of time to explore Aswan. Friday morning we had a 3 am wakeup call so we could be on the bus at 3:30 to join the convoy to Abu Simbel. To get to Abu Simbel, it's about a 3 hour drive from Aswan and you have to go in a tour bus or minivan as part of the convoy which is lead and followed by the tourist police. How this provides any safety for tourists, I don't know. As Shady pointed out to us, it is basically screaming to a terrorist, here are all the tourists if you want to attack them! Anyway, Abu Simbel is the sight of 2 huge temples built by Ramses ... read more
Queen Nefertari's Temple
Sun Temple of King Ramses II
Temple of Ramses II

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan January 31st 2008

Ok, so I left off at the overnight train...We got to the train station about 10pm for a train that was scheduled to leave at 10 (I think ) but that apparently, with Egyptian time usually leaves around 10:20. In reality, I think it left about 10:40pm. Most of us in the group were seated by each other, all in the same carriage. Good points about the train - nice big, reclining seats, similar to business class on an airplane. Bad points - very dirty overall and only one toilet per carriage. Now, I had heard some bad things about these but with a 12+ hour train ride, you have to figure you'll have to use it at least once. I had pictured something similar to a port-a-potty at the end of a street festival and ... read more
Heading to the Island of Philae
The Temple of Isis on the Island of Philae
Temple of Isis

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan December 30th 2007

This blog should more accurately be called ‘a trial in sleep deprivation’ More on that soon… Well you may or may not know that Egypt was kind of thrust upon us - or at least chosen without our usual thorough planning. At about the same time as we reached the conclusion that we wanted to go somewhere hot for Christmas - the Arctic Circle in Norway and the freezing wet & windy Edinburgh for Hogmanay did seem to drag out the cold, dark winter last year - we were invited to join some friends in Egypt for the Christmas break. Jonsey (Gareth Jones), who completed his CA with Brendon, was on one of the London Walking tours with, Brendon, Adam (who did the CA with them) & their respective better halves. Julie, Jonesy’s partner, raised the ... read more
The first ever pyramid - the Step Pyramid
Brendon at the Step pyramid
The Great Pyramid

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan December 5th 2007

After a surprisingly comfortable night on the overnight train we arrived in Aswan. Mick’s stomach was starting a revolt but he soldiered on as we dropped our stuff at the hotel and went for a look at the massive high dam. The original dam built in Aswan is dwarfed by the dam built in 1971 after a lot of controversy and some help from the soviets. The result is Lake Nasser which flooded half of Nubia, forcing the locals to move and some massive projects to save some of the ancient relics and temples, but also saving Egypt from the devastation faced by other African nations due to drought. After the dam we caught a ferry over to the Temple of Isis which was moved from it’s original island to the current spot. Mick didn’t see ... read more
Philae Temple
Abu Simbel
Camel riders

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan December 1st 2007

(Sorry for the lame title, we've been up since 3am) Since our last blog your intrepid (or at least tepid) travellers grabbed their packs and headed to the Lycian Way. The Lycian Way is a long distance hiking trail along the southern Anatolian coast. We were dropped of by a crazy old "taxi" driver who took us on a hair raising ride to a cliff face in the middle of nowhere. After getting lost (twice, before we even found the track) a friendly beekeeper (carrying his bees) and an equally friendly goat herder set us on the right path. It was a long walk down hill to Kabak beach, passing under unstable cliffs to the tune of loud rumbles. We found the only other tourists sleeping over in Kabak and joined them in the only joint ... read more
Lycian Way
The Travertine Pools

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan November 16th 2007

Hello everyone! Thanks for all the great comments! Since writing last I got a train to Aswan and found another hotel for just a pound a night which was good. I then walked down the Nile and was hassled by near enough everyone (it was worse than in Luxor) - but the view over to the Elephantine island and the other bank (with sand dunes) made up for it. I finally got to the end of my stroll and met a nice Nubian hassler Abas (looked like a younger version of Bob Marley) who became a good friend over the next few days. The next day I went across to the other side by ferry and walked along the desert which was lovely and peaceful. I then came back and Abas kindly offered to show me ... read more
Desserted Monastry in Aswan
Tombs at The Valley Of The Kings

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan November 9th 2007

Okay, so the train journey was an experience but I was impressed we braved the tea in the buffet cart. Believe me I would have starved rather than eat the food but we had eaten well before we left anyway. We arrived in Aswan after 14 long hours, fortunately we both slept surprisingly well thanks to reclining seats and our own blow up cushions - well organised Tim !!!! We were picked up from the train station by our tour guide whose English was limited to say the least. However, we got to the hotel and were given an hour to get showered before we departed for our afternoon tour of the area. Our guide for this spoke much better english. First up was Aswan dam, this is the second dam built across the nile to ... read more
Philae temple
Elephantine island

Africa » Egypt » Upper Egypt » Aswan November 1st 2007

Off the boat in Aswan we took a bus ride to the Aswan dam then went to another area where the motor boats are all lined up to take us to the Temple of Philae, dedicated to the goddess Isis. The Temple is on an island, so you have to take a boat there. On the way, a couple young boys on board ply you with goods to buy. The ladies did quite a bit of shopping. The Temple has been relocated from the original island which was flooded by the new Aswan dam. On the way back from visiting the Temple our motor quit working - not a surprise to us from the sounds of it - and the simple solution was to tie our boat to another boat going back to the dock. It ... read more
Nubian village

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