quick note

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November 1st 2006
Published: November 1st 2006
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just to let you know I'm alive
did in fact see Dorie and Nemo Helene! they send their love
just in Bangkok for less than a day and heading on to Laos, plans change all the time folks get used to it... haha
peace out

PS looking forward to that email Allan *mwah*


1st November 2006

Laos makes me think of the very sexy hot cousin of Brad Pitt's in the movie Troy. I hope in this place called Laos that you go to you find him and he impregnates you...just be careful with those pills. You know what they say...and no, it is not funny. Love, Allan
1st November 2006

Have fun in Laos
Quick note? Quick response from moi. Have fun in Laos! Jane

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