Lazee daze!!!

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October 31st 2006
Published: October 31st 2006
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Just sat and typed out most of yesterdays events and the computer crashed and i lost the lot! So here goes again.

I left off yesterday evening i believe on my way out for a drink. I wandered around for a while before deciding on a bar where i could sit outside and watch the world go by. I ordered my usual, vodka and diet coke as most of you will know but was just met with a blank look. I tried to explain again but she just didn't get it, i could tell. she came back with vodka in a shot glass and some lime and salt. Not quite right so i tried to explain again- "wodka and cola lite togeza in same glass" she exclaimed and toddled off to get it. Second time round she only sniggered a little so i felt slightly less odd!

After that bar i had a browse at the stalls and then was enticed into a bar where a live version of a Maroon 5 song was being performed. Feeling a little conscious of my single status i was a bit pertrubed to see the only seat left was at a little table right in front of the singer, not put off i took a seat and politely clapped as his song came to an end. "Where you from" oh God is he talking to me, "Where you from" he insisted so i replied hoping that was the end of it. "You on your own" oh great as if i didn't feel like a sore thumb anyway. "What no friends" now i thought about telling him about my many friends at home, who all love me and think i'm great (please say you do!) but just decided it was far easier to confess, that yes I was in fact on my own. A big ahh went up from the assembled audience. Shifting uncomfortably in my seat i sent out stop looking at me vibes and play a bloody song, they must have worked cos he did.

A bit later, after he pestered me for requests at every break i was asked by a guy if he could sit at my table. I could feel the encouragment coming from the room "AHH the sad girls got a friend now". I didn't think it would be a problem, so agreed. He turned out to be weird to say the least and i was relieved when he went to light up and i was then able to ask him to move. After a bit of a discussion he finally wandered off. Not without a disappointed look on the faces of most of the assembled audience. If only they knew.

11 o clock came and i was feeling tired so got up to leave. The guy singing then asked me to join him when he finished at the bar downstairs, once again over the microphone! Did he not think that i had been shamed enough for one night. I graciously declined and was made to promise to go back again tonight, i may if i'm feeling masochistic.

So after a long lie in today and a very lazy day i'm feeling a bit more refreshed. All the lack of sleep really caught up with me and i was too tired to do anything. Apart from get a massage from a boy young enough to be my son and with a pierced lip! But now i'm off to get a sim card for my phone and find out about how to get to the place i want to move onto tomorrow.

By the way managed to get pictures off my phone onto memory stick but now can't work out how to publish them on here. I will persist, promise.


31st October 2006

Chin up
Dont let the Bs grind you down?? Love reading your blog keep it up.

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