Koh Toa Madness!!!!

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October 21st 2006
Published: October 21st 2006
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Finally sat down to start my blog as its been a while since i left england and need to shake a leg and start blogging!!!! I have never done this before so here goes and let me know what you think....................

Gonna hope to add pics on this so give me a day or two to get my leads and cam be good to see pics of nights out from all you two so hook me up!!!
So so far and in a nutshell (very hard for me as aint the best at condencing anything let alone all the stuff i have done so far but will add pics of where we have been and get up to speed!!!) have got to thailand a week late as got told by company helping me work in japan that i coud sort working visa in austratila which is a lie!!! you have to be in country of residence - the uk!!!!! Found this out few days before leaving which is better than find this out after leaving the country!!!!! anyway mate jaz still went out and i missed out on jungle trecking in chang mai!!!!! dam!!! but might do that in a few weeks for a week when jaz;s girlfriend Sabina come out to give them a bit of time for themselves as he is missing her big time!!Its gonna be wicked when she comes out as shes really cool and has been to thailand before and i am sure she will show us some traveling ropes too!!!! plus we can both marvel at how nice the food is as we both love good food!!!!
When i got to Thaialnd after the worse flight with no decent sleep and okay food i got a taxi after fighting my way through the blaggers!!! amd got dropped off at the koh san road which was the plan as my mate was on a jungle treck and only got into bangkok again when i was flying so he said to go to internet cafe on the ko san road!!! so was walking down the raod and met him sinking a chang beer which is good beer and here started the thaialnd adventure!!!
We went to the nights markets of patpong also the redlight district which is well seedy then went back to the ko san road where i got a spring roll off a portable food vendor which has put me off spring rolls for ever i feel sick \wrighting this!!!!haha!!
Next day got to the train staition to go south to get to the port to go Ko Samui but had to get a 12 hour coach as tyhe sleeper train was fully booked!!!! Not good i could wait to get off as done a 12 hour flight just the day before!! that hurt me!!!! no chance to get comfy!!!
Ko Samui was really nice but too cusy for my liking fro a tropical island!! We stayed at Chaweng which was good but beeing male you get all the girls trying to get you in their bars or massage parlours which is after a lot of this gets a bit much but i just have a laugh with them saying you want massage and try to massage them haha!!!! Liove it!!!
Saw Thai boxing which was so wicked got some good photos saw 2 knock outs!!! a brit was fighting and he one which was good to see!!!! love the thai boxing \experience the music the traditional thai type of dance befoer the fight and the carnage!!!! the little boxers some of 8 yrs old is weird at first to see but this is thaialnds most well know sport and they styart at a young age but dam!! can they bang!!! One little geezer was called super bang!!! good name!!
After a few days in Chaweng when to Lamia which was more relaxed wicked beaches and more chilled!!!! Got the boat the next day to Ko Pan ngan whaich was don!! Proper party iaslnd and we stayed in these wicked beach huts with a verander where you can sit and watch a nice sunset over the beach!! we stayed at PAradise Bungalows which was the home of the famous full moon party!!! which we missed but did go to the half moon party which was madness!!!!! a lot of f''cked up people on drugs and saw this brittish couple who were totally mashed on i dont know what but we had to ditch them coz they werent masking much sence!!! Absolute Loons!!!!!!
Got a luminess Dragon on my back as was a good idea at the time and always wanted a tattoo. Didnt dance as dont like trance music but was good to see it!! It was in a jungle not on the beach like the full moon one!! and had to get there by mini truck and on way back me and jaz were at the back hanging to the rails which was pretty fun \going through the jungle after the half moon party!!!!
Jumped though hoops of fire on the beach at night as they had loads of fire throwers etc buff sound systems and partys to go to had some really good nights out me loads of intresting people and pulled some really fit Thai girl!!! Yes Yes!!! left Ko pangnag for Ko Toa which is so calm and serene!!!!!!!!!
I really cant convey how much i am loving the food out here it really is super bad!!!!!!! so many favours so many different types of food!!!!!
In Koh Toa soaking up the sun sea and sangsam (for those that dont know over here if you go out drinking they sell these leathal buckets like the sandcastle type and fill it with a quarter bottle of whiskey called sangsam a redbull that would be illegal to sell in the uk coz its so strong and a can of coke!!!) It gets you so hammered!!!!!!!
Koh Toa is one of the nicest places i have ever been its so relaxing and untouched still which is a nice change compared to the last two islands we have been on (Koh Pangnag and Koh Samui) The water here is so warm and clear. we went for a snorkle after some seriously dangerous off road action on scooters!!! well the roads here are pretty crap as sometimes there is no roads just very old durt tracks that have so many bumps rocks and sandy gravel which makes your wheels slip out and the torain doesnt help by being very hilly as you have to drive up (full Throtel) some of the steepest slopes where you cant stop acceleration or you will either fall off or find it hard to start again!!!!!! Anyway after the ride of death we made it to this secluded little spot where you can dive off this jetty after hiring your snorkel eqip from this woman house to see some amaing fish and coral!!!!!!!Badness!!!!!!! all colors like luminess greens and blues on clams and fish!!! Parot fish trigger fish sea cucumbers no sharks i nearly didnt go in as a few guys we were with cit themselves and sharks love it!!! I love seeing sharks on tv but not where i am swimming but so glad had a snorkel!!!!
Mate Jaz who i am travelling with came off his scooter two days ago and has a few open flesh wounds which need healing so gonna give it a ferw more days before we go on a snorkelling trip as Koh Toa is the best diving area in whole of the south pacific and there are loads of people who are here to do there open water padi courses!!! Its well cheap do to diving here but iam traveling nt on a holiday so got to budget big time!!!!! 150 pounds for scuba diving and accom for 4 days!!! i recon you might be able to get it cheaper!!!!!
I came off my bike aswell but only got a few grazes nothing on my mate there really quike meaty wounds and the flies love a little much which aint fun!!! as theres nuff bugs ourt here!!
bad thing is you have to check the bike before you rent scooters for scratches and damages and ended up getting stung 6000 bart which around 90 squid which was sh''t but not as bad as mate who got stung 10,000 bart for his crash was not happy but couldnt reason with the guy who bike they were and he had our passports and there not much you can do!! Tried looking for a repair shop but the rule out here is that if you reapir other bike lenders bike you will get in trouble so had to bite the bulet!! dam!!! What didnt make it any better was we met these to brittish girls we had met in the last island in this pub called dirty nellys - lot\ve it!! to watch there dive video of them diving and having a wicked time when we had just been skanked about the same as what they paid to do that!!! Boo!!!!!!Show must go on and the budget just got tighter!!!!!
THeres a party every night here at different venues each one wicked in its own right which bean bags on the beach with candles on poles, fire dances - fire on ends of rope or poles being spun around etc!!! We are with 3 other guys at the mo who we met on Ko pangnag and we end up getting one bucket of the whiskey madness and pass that around untill its empty and get another round in!!!You end up getting smashed and I always get up crazy dancing with random thai girls wicked!!!!!
Cant convey how much i am loving the food here and reckon its only a matter of time before I have a stomuch ulser as am asking for all the food to be extra hot and served with a bowl of chopped up thai chillis!! eating curtrys for breakfast which is usually after 12 anyway so a kinfd of brunch!!!!
English pound goes along way here but i have a lot to do before i get to work next wi\hich be in japan starting feb!!!!!!!!!!That sounds crazy!!!
got to go as on budget and every bart adds up so let me know hwat you think and if you have been here before and know somewhere or something that is really good or that i should wary of!!!!! Cool I am out of here!!!!
Adiosssssss Amigossss


26th October 2006

My lord!
Al!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You my friend are as mad as a hatter :-) I'm sure you didn't breath throughout that whole thing :-) It's funny, it made me realise how much we miss you, and I could hear your voice as I was reading it, as well as visualise how quick you must have been writing! Things here are cool - I passed my probabtion, so it looks like I'll be in the big city for a while yet. I'm moving into my flat in a month or so - the party won't be the same without you. Anyway, I'll keep this short, let me know whether you get this... Grace/xxx
27th October 2006

MAte you 2 are truelly great!!!
Got the msg a okay!!! its new to me using this blog page and will try and get it pimped daddy to the max tell Kev to get his but into gear and mail me as i havent heard a peep from him!! So wicked to hear from you as was thinking about you just the other day and hope to hear from you!!!!........your right i really should breath when writing!!!! having probs adding photos as this blog aint what i thought in terms of ease to add photos but have a master plan and where theres a will...and there is a f;;cking!!!haha will keep you posted!! glad to hear you past yr probation i bet the manangers are all scared for there jobs now your in town!! haha!! have you all been king doing it up??? or going to the cinema without me???? Hope everyones okay please give everyone a nudge as it is really good to hear from you and want to keep in touch!!! Bet yopu cant wait to jump into your new flat!!! How are things with you and billy as it would be a shame if you guys didnt stay friends if your not together anymore as you guys are wicked together or as friends and i hope you both realise that!!! Take Care much love Al!!!Eating here by the way is heaven but you will laugh at this last bit...........been aeting far too many chillis and cant eat anything hot now as burns!!! laterz

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