Heading to the Islands

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October 19th 2006
Published: October 19th 2006
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This will be VERY short, since the bus to take us to the ferry is coming in 10 minutes. We've travelled by bus from Bangkok to Champhon in the past 5 days. Stopping a night or two in the cities we go through. People are wonderful, travelling is very easy by bus. We're heading to Ko Tao today and Island hopping over the next week or so. The weather is fantastic, I got a burn two days ago and it still hurts... and YES I put sunscreen on. My darn fair skin! I guess from the constant sweating, the sun screen comes off not too long after you put it on. I have to reapply every hour😊
Thinking of all of you in Canada while we're on the beach😊
Gotta go! Post soon with pictures!



19th October 2006

Sun vs Rain
While you are basking in the sun, we are drowning in buckets of rain. We are in week 2 of it. Glad that everything is going well for you so far. Can't wait ot hear all about your journey's. Love You! Cari
19th October 2006

We're all JEALOUS!!!
Can't wait to see some photos!! Sounds like a wonderful warm, sun-filled beginning. Glad everything is going well and that you are finding the "getting there" significantly easy. Have a tropical drink or two for your Dad and I and enjoy that underwater wonderland with your snorkeling. We are all deeply jealous.....wishing I was lying in the sand sipping something cool and colourful at Rocky's Resort on Ko Samui right now!! Love Mom

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