Hello from Peru

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October 4th 2006
Published: October 5th 2006
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Hi all,

since leaving La Paz and Bolivia behind us we have seen the wonders of lake Titicaca and the reed Islands of the Uros people (see photos). We also did a homestay on the Island of Arequipa with a family called Santiago. They were fabulous people though conversation was short as none of us spoke any Quechua and only rudimentary Spanish.

We walked up a huge hill called Pachatata which litterally took your breath away! We also had to dress up in some very funky threads to go to a ´local disco´. Lets just say it was a good job there was beer for sale as that helped loosen everyones inhibitions a bit.

We have found a nice place to stay in Cusco (run by a lovely American lady). The first place we tried was not quite what we were after (and there were lots of building works going on, thanks Will McD for the recommendation).

Went out for our first evening meal lat night at a local music bar. The band improved with each song and drink until we left. They consisted of classical guitar, drum and electric guitar. It was questionable if they´d ever
Gap groupGap groupGap group

more farting
practised together and the electric guitar player was definitely high on something (but the groupies seemed to like him!).

We´re off to Machhu Pitchu on Saturday and have booked ourselves into the only place with views from the balcony (private of course).

When we get back we want to go rafting and horse riding so there should be some funny photos from that.


Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


The barge our bus went onThe barge our bus went on
The barge our bus went on

...being bailed out!
Reed hut on reed island near reed boatReed hut on reed island near reed boat
Reed hut on reed island near reed boat

... but no Reids in sight.
At the top of PachatataAt the top of Pachatata
At the top of Pachatata

no air climb to 4000m

5th October 2006

Love the costumes
Love the new threads guys, espeacially the head dress rach. although clint eastwood looks a bit dodgy. great to hear all the updates guys, catch you soon Birds xx
5th October 2006

Love the photos
...guys keep them coming! Life here good. Spoke to Will last night! (I called him.) Anyway he and Kate are obviously well and enjoying Eastern Europe. I think they were in Prague, but it could have been Brutus....if that's even a place. Lots of chat about amusingly named Czech energy drinks. Will is going to bring me a can of "Erectus" home with him. Otherwise, contact with both Mead brothers recently - plans afoot for Ben's 30th. I'll let you know how it all pans out. Take care and lots of love, Giles
5th October 2006

I just added a comment and it didn't work...
...hope this does.
5th October 2006

I don't understand why my comments don't work...
...can anyone help?
7th October 2006

Wow its a smiling Clint Eastwood.............
Looking Glam you two, I expect to see these outfits in the pub when you get back!!!! Enjoy Peru. Take care Lynds x

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