Only One Week to go!

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Asia » South Korea
October 8th 2006
Published: October 8th 2006
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Obviously I was expecting something much larger then this pathetic wave by the look on my face!
I am in envy of you all who have access to an oven to cook a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.
We had a long weekend as well over here in South Korea. It was Chu-suk were we had the Thursday and Friday off work. Brendan and I made our way to Busan for Friday and Saturday to meet up with my friends Laurie and Pat, who who I went to school with back home in Canada. They brought friends who they met during their Public school's orientation. We had a great time and it was really great to see some familiar faces. Chilled on the beach, caught some great waves, played a great game of "Catch Phrase", drank, ate and talked. Good times.
We came back Saturday evening to start packing up our stuff. We'll be working all this week, which will leave barely anytime to get our things together.
We now have most everything packed up except for the things we still need for this coming week.
We're starting to get quite anxious to go. We think we've decided on the countries we'd like to visit but plans might change once we get to Thailand. We're planning
Laurie and ILaurie and ILaurie and I

On the Beach in Busan
on spending our first night in Bangkok, and then the following day start heading south towards some islands. Island hop for about a month in Thailand. Then we plan to go to Cambodia for about a week or so... then move our way to Loas. We're thinking if time permits us, we'd like to visit Vietnam as well, before heading back to Thailand. We believe we'll be flying out of Bangkok to head back home to Canada around December 13th.. seeing that's the date our travel insurance runs out.
I've got my Yoga DVD's memorized so I don't have to put a halt of my workout schedule. How amazing will it be to do yoga on the beach?!
The new teachers, who are replacing Brendan and I, are flying in this Wednesday evening and will begin their training Thursday with us. I have a feeling this week is going to fly by! We have a Going Away dinner Friday night with all the teachers and Saturday afternoon we'll be heading to Seoul to spend the night, we're catching our early flight out of Incheon International Airport Saturday morning.
So the next post from me will probably be from Thailand.

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Beautiful Traditional dress Koreans wear for Chusuk as well as other special occasions

This man was out in front of the Busan train station with his family. He was all dressed up and decided to do a head stand on one of the benches...huh?

9th October 2006

SWIMMING in the Ocean is better than FROST on the Pumpkin!!',
That wave may look pathetic to you....but great to us here in Canada where the temperature dips to 2 degrees overnight. FALL is certainly in the air here in Russell. Enjoy your last week in Daegu and enjoy your last moments with *your kids*. See you on Web Cam before you head out.... Love Mom
11th October 2006

wow! i can't believe you are leaving! seems like i just saw you a couple of weeks ago! good luck on your trip around southeast asia! i'm in england so enjoy those hot sunny days in thailand for me!! miss you! ~heather!

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