3 Weeks till Departure From Daegu

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September 25th 2006
Published: September 25th 2006
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Lily and Elly TeacherLily and Elly TeacherLily and Elly Teacher

Last minute prepping
Well, there's 20 days until our contract is up here in Daegu, South Korea. Thanks to Travel Blog's Bloggers I feel at ease travelling into Bangkok. I was a little worried watching the news about the coup that moved into Bangkok last week. But after I posted my concerns on the forum here and received many replies from other travellers already in Bangkok, I feel safe and at ease. Thanks to all you who replied!!

This past Saturday Brendan and I were judges at our schools Speech contest. Our Ding Ding Dang school is part of a branch of 4 other schools. We were asked by the School's President, David Wi, to be the two foreign judges at the 2nd Annual Speech contest. We were quite happy to accept. There were 38 students in total with prepared speeches. Some were quite entertaining with costumes and props to go along with their speech. There were 3 categories; preschool(6 and 7 year olds), grades 1 to 3, and then grades 4 to 6.
Four students from our school entered the contest and 3 out of the four all won a prize. We were quite proud. The first place winner was my student
Mimi, Me and LynnMimi, Me and LynnMimi, Me and Lynn

My preschool students who came to support their big sisters
Lily, who Brendan taught a few months back. She is only in level 7 and she was up against students her age but that were in levels 10, 12, and 13. Her accent and pronunciation are impressive!!!

Brendan and I were also asked by the co-founder of DDD, also the wife of the President of DDD, to go to the 4 other DDD schools this week to observe all the new foreign teachers classes to give them advice and tips of how to have a successful class. They are impressed with our abilities and we're so happy that all the hard work we've done over the past year has paid off. It's a nice feeling.

Well I'd write more but it's 11am on Monday morning and I must get ready for my run. Need to keep in shape for all the backpacking I have ahead of me😊

Hope everyone is great and enjoying this beautiful fall weather!

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


Brendan and TiffanyBrendan and Tiffany
Brendan and Tiffany

Brendan was a judge, aswell as the announcer
First Place winner...First Place winner...
First Place winner...

... with her proud teacher, me.
President and co-founder of Ding Ding Dang and their son BingPresident and co-founder of Ding Ding Dang and their son Bing
President and co-founder of Ding Ding Dang and their son Bing

I teacher 24 month old Bing every Tuesday... this future super star is learning Korean, Chinese and English at 2 years old.

25th September 2006

Yet...Even MORE accomplishments!
Only three short weeks to Thailand ...and beyond.... but your life in Korea sounds like it is STILL bursting with great moments. Right up to your departure, you continue to enjoy even MORE wonderful experiences and memories to take away with you. As Aunt Louise said...you SHOULD be proud....your family SURE is!! Love Mom

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