Day 1

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October 19th 2015
Published: October 19th 2015
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Hello everybody,

Welcome to our travel blog! If you're reading this, it means that we've either met on the road, or you are a member of the "families and loved ones" category, either way, thank you for reading and helping support our trip! Well try to update close to everyday, but depending on cell service and his exhausted we are, it might not happen.

Day one did not start smoothly. We Spent all morning getting our bikes road ready and we didn't leave until about 10am. We schmoozed with a few other riders we met at the beach who are doing the same ride with a support vehicle, turned the go-pro on and set off. 5 minutes into the trip the go-pro mount broke, so we got our 5 min I wanted (we plan on stringing 5 min videos together from everyday to create a high speed single day, morning to night, across the country.) We (Aaron) got our first flat tire of the day about 10 miles in (thorn in the tire!) fixed it quickly, did a tire swap.

The maps from adventure cycling are extremely difficult to read and the first 15-20 miles were lots of turns and heavy city traffic. San Diego has a lot of pretty frightening looking homeless. The day ended around 630pm (sunset was around 6:10) and with the nearly 3000ft climb and all the FOUR flats that we (Aaron) had, we were only able to cycle 40 miles. Steep hills and 40lbs of gear makes for some very very slow climbing. We met some awesome people at dinner and decided to spent a second night at a hotel. So far after one day, people have been very friendly (one gave us cold bottles of water, another gave us a bike tube). Tomorrow we have a very similar day of steep climbing and were shooting for 50 miles, everyone is pretty sore - should sleep well tonight.

God speed!!



19th October 2015

Day one behind you
Just remember that you will all have memories for a lifetime. Please keep safe and well. Day two is ahead and more memories to come.

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