El Comienzo de un Nuevo Viaje (The Beginning of a New Journey)

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June 11th 2015
Published: June 11th 2015
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¡Hola a todos! Thank you for visiting my travel blog! Over the next two months, I will be studying abroad in Madrid and Barcelona, Spain! I'm super excited for this opportunity, and I hope you'll join me in this experience as I explore and discover new things over the course of the summer.

This August marks my seventh year of learning Spanish, so I'm hoping that I'll be one step closer to attaining language proficiency. The course I will be taking turns our attention to the modernization of Madrid and Barcelona in the twentieth and twenty-first century, as reflected by urban architecture, literature and art, and Spanish culture. Taught entirely in Spanish, the objective of the program is to immerse students in Spanish culture all the while continuing to build upon foundational knowledge and understanding of the Spanish language.

Since I'll be in class for about half of the week, I'll try and update this once every week or so. That being said, there are probably going to be weeks where I'll be publishing new posts like crazy, so be prepared! I'm also interested in traveling beyond Madrid and Barcelona, so if y'all have any places in Spain or countries you'd recommend, let me know!

¡Hasta luego!



15th June 2015

Bye bye!
Eric - I hope you have a fantastic time and I look forward to hearing about it.
23rd June 2015

Go Eric!!

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