Deepest Darkest Peru

Published: August 3rd 2014
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Minneapolis to Peru

9840 miles

We're off again….time to see a bit more of the world!

After last year's Asian trip we've decided to visit a country not quite so far away this time, but one that is certainly very different from our home. Deepest, darkest Peru…the home of Paddington Bear! It's on the north west coast of South America and looks to have a wide variety of scenery from the Pacific coast, to the Andes mountains to the Amazon jungle. We're looking forward to seeing Incan ruins and spending a few days in the jungle too.

Preparations have begun, with multiple immunizations last week. The kids were brave and the parents cried as we all had shots for Yellow Fever, Typhoid and Hepatitus A. And we've each got bottles of Malaria pills to take while we're there. While it is undoubtedly prudent to take these precautions, it has made me wonder why we didn't get any shots for the month we spent touring multiple countries in Asia last year.

We're heading out on Monday morning with the capital Lima being the first stop on our two week trip. From there we'll head to Cusco and the Sacred Valley, followed by Machu Picchu. Then we'll go north via Lima to Iquitos in the Peruvian rainforest on the Amazon.

We'll try to keep the blog updated, dependent on internet access, and hope you enjoy following the trip.

Nick, Sand, Ben and Carys.


3rd August 2014

Wow wow
It has been a year already since you guys were in Bali, Peru is a wonderful place, just watch out for the weather and high altitude at machu-pichu. I really got sick there for a few days...but the climb to wayna picchu behind the machu pichu as wonderful. very steep two hour climb but shusei made it when he was 9 years old. and the reward was a great view! so good luck with the journey and look forward for the updates you get
4th August 2014

Another Summer ......Another Trip
Hi there, Enjoy your trip and I am looking forward to the blog updates!

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