Old friends in new places: Praha

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July 25th 2014
Published: July 25th 2014
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Prague has most definitely become my new favourite city. Part of this love comes from the volume and quality of extremely cheap beer the city has to offer, but mostly I just can't get over the absolute beauty and splendour that is prague. It is a city that was mostly untouched by the war, so many of yhe buildings are very old, but restored.

The hostel that I stayed in (Jay stayed separately) was called Adam and Eva hostel. It is a small hostel geared towards backpackers who don't necessarily want to party. It was very tidy, quiet and definitely adequate kitchen space. The only downside was that it wasn't right in the center of the city, but it wasn't very far to walk to the old town. Plus it was close to the castle, and I think the slightly non-central location added to the reduction in price. I would definitely recommend it to anyone travelling to Prague.

My first night I went on a pub crawl hosted by hostel culture. The company has just started in prague, so they haven't quite got the word out about the pub crawl yet, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable for me. The guides made sure we had a great time and took us to a variety of bars; we went to beer halls, underground smokey pubs, lounges and dance clubs. Additionally, I hardly had to buy any alcohol. At the first two bars, the beer was totally covered for us, and we even played a few drinking games! It was an absolute blast. I tried absinthe for the first time (yuck!) and then danced the night away at a two storey dance club! Soooooo much fun. I think if I ever go to Europe again I would just do a six week party vacation.

Our first full day in prague (the 20th) was spent at the prague castle. We actually went inside part of the old castle, saw some re-creations of old houses, went in a weapons museum and walked around St. vitus cathedral. We paid about nine euro to see inside all that stuff, which wasn't totally worth it, but I'm still glad we did it. I also saw the astronomical clock in the old town square and a park just north of the castle. The park was absolutely beautiful. There was almost no one around! The were lots of trees and small walking paths. I just wish it wasn't so hot! I think I sweat more that day than I ever have my entire life. That night I made a new friend at the hostel and shared my excess food with him! Had a quiet night skyline with the family and then I went to bed.

July 21st was spent shooting guns! Wooooooooot! It was so much fun! It was a bit expensive but wayyyy cheaper than at home. I shot ten guns, 80 rounds total. The guns I shot were: a scorpion EVO, Ak-47, .357 Magnum, a 9mm pistol, .45 ACP, an M16, an SA61, an SA 58, a Dragunov sniper rifle, and a shotgun,. It was so much fun. I don't think I would ever pick it up as a hobby, but it's a great experience. And super cheap compared to canada. Had a quiet afternoon to escape the heat and then went for dinner with my new Aussie friend.

The next day Jay and I did a day tour to Kutna Hora. Here we saw the ossuary (or bone church) which was definitely the highlight of Prague for me, St Barbara's cathedral, the old Italian court and a few other things around the city. The guide was super knowledgable (if a little strange) and the weather was perfect! The guide took us to a great restaurant for lunch, where I had a delicious garlic soup with Ham and cheese. Another quiet evening of organizing was spent with jay and then I retired to my hostel.

On my last full day in Prague, jay unfortunately had food poisoning! I felt so bad, so I was on my own. BUT it was almost luck, because my old friend Adaeze was in prague! So her and I spent the day together. She hadn't seen anyopitching yet so we walked by the castle, and the dancing house. Oh and we went paddle boating. It was a fun day. For lunch I had goulash in a beard bowl, which was way too much food but delicious none the less. Adaeze and I split up for dinner and a nap and then her and I met again in the center of the city, where we also met Hannah Cherniawsky (an old Laurier friend) and her boyfriend. The four of us went for beer and honey cake. It was a lot of fun reminiscing and meeting new people. It was the absolute best way to spend my last night in the city.

July 24th was spent getting ready to leave and tasking a train to vienna. As much as I love the city of prague, 5 nights is definitely more than enough time in a city as a backpacker and I was getting ansty to move on. I think it's slowly starting to settle in all the places I have been so far, and all the places we yet have to go. I can't wait to experience the rest of this adventure! My only wish is that all of you could be here with me, exoeriencing all these wonderful things too. I am sending my love to each one of you every day. XOXOXO.


26th July 2014

Wish I was there, too . . .
. . . but then you'd have to drag an uncle to a two storey night club. Weird. Your post really makes me want to visit Prague. And seeing friends in a foreign city is the best!! Makes it so real and also surreal, all at the same time. Have fun until the next post xoxo

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