Kangra to Jodhpur

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July 12th 2006
Published: August 7th 2006
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Hey to all

Our plan in Kangra was to catch the toy train to Pathankot (one of only a handful of these trains in the world). The problem was that no one spoke english so we couldn't find out where to catch it from. We did however go and see the famous traveling magic show, that was passing through Kangra. We weren't allowed to take any photos, which was a shame because it really was a fantastic show.

We embarked then on our first train trip. Getting tickets and finding the right train was a major test for our patients and our abilities to stay calm. After an 18 hr trip and covered in the desert sand we arrived in Jodphur. We've met some lovely young guys on the train and had lots of fun with them. Tired and a little irratable we beat down the price of a Hotel room to below half. I must say we are really getting better at this barganing thing.

Hallo an alle

Unser Plan in Kangra war einen der Spielzuege nach Pathankot zu nehmen (es existiert nur eine Handvoll dieser Zuege in der ganzen Welt). Das Problem war nur das in Kangra niemand Englisch sprach und somit konnten wir leider nicht herrausfinden von wo der Zug abfaehrt. Am Ende haben wir aber den beruehmten reisenden Magier gesehen. Es war leider nicht erlaubt Photos zu machen, was eine Schande ist weil es wirklich eine fantastische Show war.

Und dann haben wir unsere erste Zugfahrt angetreten. Die Tickets zu kriegen und den richtigen Zug zu finden war ein grosser Test fuer unsere Geduld und es war anstrengend die Ruhe zu bewahren. Nach einem angenehmen 18 Stunden Trip und vom Wuestensand bedeckt sind wir in Jodhpur angekommen. Wir haben richtig nette junge Burschen im Zug getroffen und hatten jede Menge Spass.
Etwas muede und gereizt haben wir in Jodhpur haben wir den Hotelpreis auf die Haelfte druecken koennen. Wir werden langsam echt richtig gut mit handeln.

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


7th August 2006

Amazingly, we had the same exact experience over there. We arrived to Pathankot short in money, and searched for exchange. No one spoke a single word in english, not mentioning there was not exchange place what so ever... luckily we did have some help from the local bank manager. Good to know all is well, keep on posting these great stories!
19th August 2006

Hey big brother!
Wow, looks like you guys are having and amazing journey! I love the pictures you posted and can't wait to read your next blog. Luv your Lil Sis Ems

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