Listen-- are you breathing just a little and calling it life?

Published: May 13th 2014
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"Listen-- are you breathing just a little and calling it life?"

-Mary Oliver

Sometimes I forget

I forget where I left my phone

I forget what time I am supposed to meet a friend for coffee

I forget to put deodorant on

I forget to make my bed

I forget to wear my wedding rings

I forget to switch the wash over

I forget that there might be traffic and consequently forget to leave a bit early

I forget who my fifth grade teacher was

I forget to wear sunscreen

I forget that it's not acceptable to pick wedgies in public, remember, and then do it anyhow

But worst of all, sometimes I forget to live...

It isn't as hard as it may appear at first, to live that is. Breathing has always been a simple task for me, as I assume it is for everyone who doesn't have asthma, but what exactly does it mean to live?

Our original plans for my husband and I to leave on a RTW trip in March 2014 have obviously come and gone. With everything that was going on in our lives I didn't have the heart to even look at TravelBlog. I felt like a failure. The funny thing about life is that it sometimes gets in the way of living. The great thing about life is, you have the ability to mold it into whatever you want... So, with our little life hiatus out of the way, our plans were pushed back and we are taking our second chance at launching on this adventure! March 2015 could not come quick enough. I have been waiting for this adventure for over 5 years!!


13th May 2014

Good to see you back here!
Please don't see it as a failure, see it as a chance to be better prepared for March 2015. It will come around quicker than you think! :)
14th May 2014

Thanks!! That's a very positive way to look at it! Although, now I have so much more time to keep changing up the itinerary!! I was so upset that our original plans weren't able to come to fruition, but I believe things happen for a reason so I'm okay with the delay. It was hard at first as the time came nearer and I realized it wouldn't be happening this year... But now I'm back on travelblog reading everyone else's journeys and it's getting me super excited all over again.
14th May 2014

March will be here before you know it!
I can relate to a lot of what you said. I look forward to more...
11th July 2014

It took you 5 years to return to Spain...
and now five years crops up again. I hope that you can make it happen. I and the Travelblog community are looking forward to your RTW. I will Follow you so that I don't miss that first entry. Let me know if you need any ideas planning other parts of the world. By the way, I'm having lunch with Ali and Michelle in a week...Ali started Travelblog a dozen years ago to record his trips and it blossomed from there. In the process he met Michelle who was also blogging. We really are a connected family!

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