Staying at a new hostel

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July 27th 2006
Published: July 27th 2006
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Hey Everyone!

We just arrived at Aberdeen and checked in at out new hostel (it's really nice here and they have a cheap laundry-mat which is really good because it was getting to the point that I couldn't sit next to Alex on the train!) By the way 'internet stalker' I'm pretty sure Alex has out-stunk any stinking you did in Europe.
The train ride here was 2 and a half hours of h-e-double-hockey-sticks. The air conditioning wasn't working so it was like 100 million degrees in there (hence the comment about not being able to sit next to Alex). We're pretty excited about being in a new city but we are going to miss the bells of St. Giles in the morning. So far Aberdeen seems a lot less touristy then the other places have been, but we'll see if that holds out tomorrow.
To mom... I hope the painting is going well - let Roz leave some messages on here, I miss her and give all the pets some extra love for me too (especially Cheeko and Tibbitz)
To Alex's parents - can you e-mail Alex his grandparents mailing addresses and you guys should be getting a few packages in the 'post'

Love you guys!



27th July 2006

puter back on again
Hi again, how are you two doing?? Sounds like you guys are having a blast.........just hooked up the puter again, finished painting this room and Roz room, it is a "Bleached Sand" and the door frames, baseboards are white, left the wood doors and shelves as is......other than that, I think we did a darn good job, thanks to Warren. His daughter Courteney is back in town, she left for a few dayz to see her mom .......pets are doing alright, I am giving them attention, even getting closer to far as tibitz, she just is not ready for a relationship just, roz wants to add her 2 cents and I'm off.....getting ready to go to K mom and heeeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeeeesssss Rozzzzzzzzzz, Hi mya and alex. i am haveing so much fun . we are just a bout to go to Cx for my 2 time . i am goinhg to go on some rollercosters. checok miss you . tibits myowes at your door know and then. i hope you are haveing fun out there. is it hot out there, did you eat hagges yet. so are the bildinge nice . Dose it have a zoo. if it dose mabey it will be beetter then the vally zoo. are the bildings old out there. did you sleep good out there?:) smille:) How is your book? love you
28th July 2006

Hey guys, It sounds like you're having loads of fun, just as you deserve! I've been checking your blog now and then and since I am on the cusp of my own vacation, I've finally overcome the jealousy and decided to write. Edmonton is finally cooling down a little (25 today I think) and the festivals are in full swing. Capital EX, Taste of Edmonton, Shakespeare in the park, the Grand Prix... it's all making Edmonton grow on Steph and I. My yard work is coming along nicely and Steph is working her last day at Booster Juice today. Tonight, we're off to exotic Saskatchewan which starts off our trips to BC, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. I'll be sure to try the "New Scotland" version of Haggis and Steph and I will give you a wave from across the Atlantic (keep on the lookout!). Miss you two, Wado

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