First week in Spain

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February 19th 2013
Published: March 28th 2013
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My first blog post!


Wow, what an adventure this trip has been already!

Today is the first day I actually have wifi (we just got it installed in our apt). I somehow got a single room, which is incredibly great. I have three other roommates: another Eva, pronounced Ava, and two Chelseas each with different spelling. Our apartment is very nice, as you can see in the pictures below. Hardwood floors and new appliances (some of which are tricky to master the use of).

But to start at the beginning, I woke up around 5:30 am last Thursday and was driven to LAX by my wonderful boyfriend, TuckerJ I met the group (well part of the group) at the airport in front of our gate…we mingled about our lives—where we are from, what school we attend, and what we are most excited about experiencing while in Europe.

We flew from LAX to Dallas, TX, and the flight was ok. I did not sleep very much but I made up for that on the second flight to Madrid. We had about a 2 hour layover, our plane was delayed a bit, but the flight was pretty smooth. As I sat down in my isle seat, a cute fashionista girl sat in the other isle seat of my row. It wasn’t until I pulled out my Game of Thrones book (the first one) that Avi gasped and said, “What book is that?” as she pulled out her own copy of the third book in the series. Needless to say we spent hours bonding over our love (my new love for the T.V. series) as well as fashion. Avi is a fashion blogger and just about the cutest style anyone could have. She wore a DIY (do-it-yourself sequined hat that she made. She told me how she started her blog just posting pictures of her family and that once she started working for a local magazine (she is from Mexicali) that she began to get followers of her blog. She is studying graphic design at school and loves what she does. We bonded over many things and once the flight was over, we exchanged facebooks. She is staying in the south of Spain for 6 months so I am hoping to visit her for a weekend.

When we arrived in Madrid we drove to our hotel located on Gran Via, which is a main street. After we got settled a little we went on a little tour of the Plata and then everyone did their own thing. I had tapas y Sangria with a group of girls. I ordered un tortilla, which is nothing like a Mexican tortilla. It is an egg and potato like omlette. It was delicious.

The next day, Saturday, we woke up early to tour the Museo del Prado and the Palacio Real and lunch and to have lunch. The Museum tour was great—we had out own tour guide, Carmen, who knew the ins and outs of each painting we saw. Goya was one of the main artists whose work we saw.

Sunday we left for our 2.5 hour drive to Salamanca. When we arrived in Salamanca we were all in awe are the charming city. Compared to Madrid is much smaller and feels more homey. After each apartment group got dropped off at their apartment and we began moving in our bags and such, we had the eveining to explore. Some of my roommates and I along with some other girls from the trip went out to go dancing. It was a lot of fun but I have to say I am in no way able to handle the kind of partying these Salamantines do. I think we got home around 2:30am, which is when bars and clubs usually just start.

Sunday we had an orientation for school and what the rest of our trip would be like. WE went grocery shopping to stock our fridge and to make sure we would be getting our fruits and veggies, as most meals here consist of bread and some type of meat, most famously jamon. WE then had a your of the Plaza Mayor, the main plaza and then we had a traditional Salamancan dinner, consiting of paella with seafood, chicken and fries, and a delicious custard dessert.

Classes started Monday and here is my schedule:

Monday: Spanish 101 from 3:55-6pm

Monday/Wednesday: Literature in film from 11:10am-12:40pm

Tuesday: Spanish life and culture from 6:10-8pm

On Monday I had my first English class, which consists of four people and the teacher. My first assignment is to write about a movie I like and one I dislike. Sounds pretty cool!

Then we had a walking tour or the city including the new and old Cathedral, and learned about many Museums.

Today, Tuesday, I have my first Spanish class. After I write this, I am going to write my paper for my film class. Then go to class and probably head home, make dinner, and go to sleep. I feel I am coming down with something( I just took some medicine and I am drinking tea so hopefully that will help! Prayers and thoughts I feel better really soon would be much appreciated, as our leaders have told us it is very difficult to go over sickness with the weather here, which is usually very chilly with some sun during the day. It has rained once or twice here as well.

The students on this trip are mainly from Southern CA but there are some from the Bay Area. So far everyone is very friendly and everyone seems to be getting along great! I feel like I will carry some of the friendships I am making for a very long timeJ

Now that I have wifi, I am planning to post regularly, maybe 3-4 times a week.

The group is planning a trip to Morocco for a weekend near the end of March, which I am planning to go on.

Also, along with the Morocco trip, I am hoping to visit Barcelona and visit some family I have never met before. I is always lovely to be in the company of family/close family friends!

I will keep you, who ever is reading this updated on any trips I make, which will probably be when I do not post anything, due to not having my laptop or internet. Most of my trips will be weekend-long with the exception of the time during our Spring break.

If you know anyone who lives is Europe that might be willing to house me/show me around, feel free to give them my email:, as being able to visit and/or stay with people is not only special but can help me to save money.

Also, my skype is evagreenberg so feel free to send me an email or post a comment if you would liking to skype me. The timing can be very tricky as I am 9 hours ahead. Right now it is a quarter to 1 in the afternoon here and almost 4am in CA but I would love to skype!

I have been able to practice my Spanish when we are out, on the streets or in restaurants but I think once I start actually taking my Spanish class then learning it will come a lot more smoothly.

It is a completely different way of life here, people are not in a hurry and they live life to its fullest, not waking up before 10am on the weekend and not leaving the house to go to the club until 1, 2, 3, even 4am. Also, cars do not stop for you like they do in the States—you have to be very careful!

I think that is all for now, I have to start my writing assignment. I will be posting many more pictures but look down below at the pictures I have taken so far!

Until next time,

Love and miss you all!



Additional photos below
Photos: 64, Displayed: 27


19th February 2013

Hi Eva, I am so happy for you and for your current and future adventures! Thanks for the blog... a great way to share your semester with all of us. Be well and take care. Hugs and love, Sharon.
19th February 2013

Eva, this all sounds so amazing! I wish I had done something like this when I was in college. You'll never ever forget it. I love that your apartment has two Evas and two Chelseas. That's a good sign. And you're learning Spanish!! I'm so jealous. When you get back to California, your Spanish is going to sound very European and classy, maybe a little snooty, but that's ok. Keep up the good work. You're a great blogger! hugs!!

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