I see London, I see France, I see Alex's underpants

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Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London
July 21st 2006
Published: July 21st 2006
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Hey everybody,

So we made it to Europe pretty much unharmed. Unfortunately the booze on the flight wasn't free, but somehow I still resisted peeing on the floor. The flight was pretty good, kinda scary taking off and landing - but excessive amount of gravol let us miss everything in between. We actually got into London around 3:00pm so we didn't have too much time to see stuff. We did however stop by the British museum where we saw a lot of ancient thingamabobs. It's surreal out here - everything's so different and old and people j-walk like crazy. We're going to try to catch a night train to the real good stuff (Scotland) tonight... hopefully by tomorrow we'll be eating haggis and wearing kilts! Sorry about the lack of pics so far but I forgot the cable for our digital camera, hopefully we'll post some soon. For now just imagine us smiling away with our arms wraped around strangers with bad teeth (by the way - they all talk so funny out here!)

Okay - we'll get back to everyone soon! We don't really miss you guys yet - but I'm sure that will come with time! (just kidding... but really though)



22nd July 2006

Glad you made it
Hi Tamara and Alex, Good to hear you made it safe and sound. Looking forward to your next update. Have fun.
22nd July 2006

Have a great time!!!
Have a great time in Europe~~ And please put up pictures of Alex wearing a kilt. Be safe!!
24th July 2006

hey again you two
Wow, glad to hear your flight went well and hope you don't go around peeing to much on anyone's floors, haggis, right , I remember you guys mentioning that tasty meal......hehe, anyway, I'm hoping all goes well and will write again and again.....love mom

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