Our Arrival in Sunny SA

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November 5th 2012
Published: November 5th 2012
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Welcome basketWelcome basketWelcome basket

Lots of lovely South African goodies
After a very enjoyable week with family in the Midlands, you know, late nights, bottles of wine, lunches and of course the first of what I suspect will be many turkey Christmas dinners we were delivered to Heathrow for our first flight.

Check in was very smooth, our bags were all within weight restrictions (how come all my scales say the bags are about half a kilo lighter than the airport says, I am very suspicious, good job I made mine lighter than the allowed weight). The camping fridge was even put through easily. They did check my handbag for illegal drugs, not sure why but I guess I must have a suspicious look about me, my handbag is only the same as any other ladies whith everything except the kitchen sink.

The flight was a little late in leaving but we made up the time in the air, even arriving early. I have to say that flying economy now really is 'economy'. What was once a cute little toiletry bag complete with toothbrush and paste, comb, even some hand cream, eye shade, socks etc which you really thought was a bonus has now been reduced to a short disposable toothbrush and a dob of toothpaste the size of a pea all encased and presented beautifully in a plastic bag! Although mine was missing so I didn't even get that.

The food was also somewhat below standard but fortunately I had a bag of jelly babies that for some reason I always fancy on a flight so they kept me going. Luckily the wine and bacardi and coke was exactly the same, so something is good. There were 2 different breakfasts but for some reason no-one got asked what they wanted, you were just plonked one on your tray. Oh and while I'm reminiscing does anyone remember those lovely hot steaming face cloths you used to be given on boarding the plane, and again on waking in the morning - ah, the good old days.

But saying all that I still love flying, possibly because it is always the start of an adventure. One day we will get upgraded to Club Class, how can people afford to fly like that, such space, not to mention the welcome drinks ready for them we have to pass as we get on just to remind us that we didn't pay enough for a free orange juice.

We arrived on time but had to wait an hour to get through passport control then were met by Aaron and Carrie. We arrived to find a lovely welcome basket filled with South African goodies that we love, including a bottle of cane and one of Amarula and topped off with some beaded nessies to make us feel at home. The afternoon was spent catching up on news around the bar and we finished up with a braai.

Today we looked at a few Kombis as we want to buy one and picked up our trailer. It's stored just a few kms from Aaron's house and on the way back, what did we find but a roadblock. Now if we had been driving the red truck you can be guaranteed they would stop us, but it seems they didn't like our trailer either cos we got stopped for that. We hadn't put the new licence disk on, although we do have it, so they wanted to fine us for failing to display. Aaron managed to talk nicely to the policeman and he let us go.


5th November 2012

Day 1
Typical!!!! Not there 24 hours and in trouble with the police already!

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