Harry in Hong Kong

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Asia » Hong Kong
October 18th 2012
Published: October 21st 2012
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To Mr Mcfarland and 3/4G

Near our hotel in Hong Kong there’s dried fish shops that smell really bad, they make me feel sick. It’s also really smoky here. We’ve been on The Peak Tram which is like the Scenic Railway in The Blue Mountains. At the top there’s a look out. We have also been to Disney Land. The best ride was the Grizzly Gulch. On this rollercoaster you go around sharp bends and up a hill until the cable snaps and you go backward into a cave where bears blow up TNT and you go real fast, around some more bends and into the finish. Hong Kong is good but not as good as Australia.
From Harry


22nd October 2012

Smelly Fish
Did you eat any of the smelly fish Harry? Maybe it tastes great! The Grizzly Gultch sounds pretty good. Maybe there should be a smelly fish ride! Did you learn any Chinese yet?
23rd October 2012

Hi Wetherall's
Hi Harry, We really enjoyed reading your blog entry and looking at your photos. It sounds like you are all having an amazing time. We had a laugh at the fact the streets smelt funny in Hong Kong. It is definitely very different to what we are used to here on the Central Coast. Jessi said "You may need to buy a peg to put on your nose". Everyone including me are very jealous you got to go to Disneyland. The rides sound so cool! Back at school we have been working hard on descriptions, researching different religions and conducting some science experiments such as making slime. Hope you continue to have a safe and happy holiday. Please write soon to give us an update of your awesome adventures. Bye for now, 3/4G
23rd October 2012

Grizzly Gulch
Hi Harry, It's lovely to hear your stories from Hong Kong and it sounds like you enjoyed Disneyland! I don't think Grizzly Gulch was open when I took jacob there last July. You'll have to tell me more about it next time you're in at work with Mum. Enjoy your time in England and I look forward to reading more about your adventures soon. Liz

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