branding USA

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July 15th 2006
Published: July 15th 2006
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today was another day of class-- it was strange going on a saturday, but we have a lot to do before we present on tuesday. we started at 10, and finished up the day around 4...yeah it was a long day... lol

i guess not too much to write about: my small group joined up with the other USA team, and we meshed all of our brainstorming together. this took quite some time because we had to put together this outline answering various questions like: what is the basic situation of the brand?, why is it necessary to develop a brand image for the USA?, who is/are the target group(s)?, what is the expected effect on the target group?, what is the brand position and personality?, what is the unique proposal and promise?, what are the benefits for the target group(s)?, why should the addressee trust our message? and what are some limiting factors? then we had to prepare a strategy, which we will present to ladislav and sandy on monday. after we present this for them, they will give feedback and we will then prepare a presentation-- which will be given the following day.

it's a very interesting subject, don't get me wrong. but we've been talking about it nonstop for a week now...and i think we've kind of talked it to death lol. i am excited to finally present- i know i'll be sad when it's over because we won't get to see our czech friends anymore, but then we'll have our next class which is sure to be exciting.

tonight the czech students invited us all to go for dinner and then to a club--we all went for dinner, and i had been slightly considering going to the club- but katie doesn't care for clubs and so we both came back here. (see! we do use the buddy system!!) i think we might go grab a pivo at the bar in the basement of our dorm in a few-- how awesome is that sentence?! (dave-you should enjoy the irony as much as i do)

tomorrow we will finally go to prague castle/the charles bridge! it will be our first full day to really act like tourists lol. then we were invited by one of our czech friends to her flat for dinner. should be a fun day!


15th July 2006

hi sweetie! sounds minorly intense! have a fabulous day off tomorrow! next time, go clubbing! european clubs can be fun!! (especially music-usually a decade behind!) love you! talk to you tomorrow!

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