another full day of class

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July 13th 2006
Published: July 13th 2006
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from our first full dayfrom our first full dayfrom our first full day

the mizzou bunch in front of a fountain outside of emperor's hall
hello world- unfortunately not too much to report today. it was basically another day of class- with 5 speakers representing american brands this time. they were "meh" basically i enjoyed yesterday a little more.

but we did have a slightly interesting experience this morning-- we were supposed to be at the classroom building at 9:00--- at 8:30 we were getting ready to leave, and so we went downstairs but couldn't find someone in our group. so katie ran upstairs to find her (actually, she had to wait for the slow as molasses elevators since we're on the 4th floor) and as soon as katie went up, we found the person- they had actually been downstairs. so then we had to wait for katie to come down (the downside to no cell phones lol) so by the time we left it was 8:40-- and we had to take the underground for 3 stops and also hop a cable car for a stop. so we were a little freaking out-- we did NOT want to be late-- we hustled our little butts off to the station, ran up and down the escalators/flights of stairs- and barely made it onto the underground train. when it stopped at the place we needed to get off, we ran upstairs and hopped the cable car- then we ran to class. was 9:00 on the dot! we were so impressed with ourselves-- we were worried about being late, and the other 4 people hadn't shown up yet. (they were actually half an hour late lol)

after class we walked around old town some more (we love it there!) and then ate a quick dinner of awesome pizza and decided to make it an early night and head back. when we got off the underground near our dorm, katie and i decided to go to the grocery store near us, where we had fun buying water, juice and breakfast bars. now we're back at the dorm- just relaxing and having fun. tomorrow should be interesting- we start working in our groups! plus- our friend petra invited us to her hometown, which is an hour train ride outside of prague!!! i hope we end up going. 😊

OOOH one more thing-- katie and i had been talking about going to rome next weekend, but between the 6 of us we decided to travel someplace a little closer (since then we can just take a train and see more of central europe- we can save rome for honeymoons lol) so...we've decided we want to go to vienna! ladislav (the awesome prof) has called a travel agent for us, so i think we're going to go tomorrow and see what kind of deal we can work out. again, i hope we end up going! more details to follow...


13th July 2006

You're wise to save Rome for another time. There's so much to see there; you shouldn't go there when you have to rush too much. Continue having a great time. Love, Grandma Didi
14th July 2006

old town square-love it!
i want to be in old town square!!! officially on my want to go to list! so glad you know the underground system! true test today, huh?! looking forward to hearing about your group project!! have a great weekend! talk to you sinday! love you!

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