dumfersgrannygap - 2 weeks to go!

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September 4th 2012
Published: September 6th 2012
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1972 Graduation1972 Graduation1972 Graduation

Ann, Eileen, Jimmi, Linda & Margaret
Here we are in 1972 - five graduates of Dunfermline College of Physical Education, Edinburgh. We all met up in the first week at college in 1969, shared a flat in our final year and have remained friends ever since. Talk of travelling the world was common but teaching, marriage and babies soon put a stop to that!

Over the past 40 years we have only managed to all get together twice - in 1979 and again in 2002.

Now we have all retired, apart from Linda who still teaches part-time,

our time has come

and we have planned a 40th reunion in South Africa where Jimmi has lived for the past 38 years.

Margaret, Eileen & Ann are going to take 8 weeks out to travel the world to meet up in South Africa for the last two weeks. Linda is going to join us for our final week in South Africa.

Our trip starts on 21st September 2012 and takes us to Toronto, across Canada by train to Vancouver, then to San Francisco, Los Angeles to Sydney, a cruise around the top of Australia down to Perth, then to Johannsburg, Cape Town and Kruger National Park before flying home to the UK on 15th November.

Follow our progress as we go round the world meeting up with some other Dumfers on the way!


7th September 2012

Green with envy!
Are you sure you don't need someone to come along and record all your adventures for the next best-selling book! I am so envious!! Have a wonderful time. You have worked for it and boy do you deserve it. Will follow your travels with great interest.
8th September 2012

Way to go
Wow! Sounds like a great trip. Can't wait to see you all in Sydney. Enjoy your travels in Canada and USA and remember, if you can't be good......
8th September 2012

Message from Moscow
Love your new title! Look forwrad to reading your blog ! Travel safely. May x
12th September 2012

Bon Voyage
Brilliant that you are doing a travel blog and will be watching with interest.. Will miss you Eileen but at least we already have date booked for get together on your return to hear all about it. Enjoy!! Sarah x
16th September 2012

5 days to go
Everything ready just packing to be done - just so so excited
17th September 2012

Looking forward to meeting you all!
The weather in Vancouver is the sunniest it has been in 20 years for September, so my fingers are crossed it will stay this way for your visit!
21st September 2012

Hi Girls Hope you have a fantastic trip - it all sounds wonderful.Will definitely be interested in sharing your experiences along the way. Bon voyage to you all. Moira xxx

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