Rach's Triathlon in Windsor

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July 8th 2006
Published: July 19th 2006
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Myself (Rach) and a few colleagues from AXA Insurance - (Lance, Ashley and Laurent) decided to do a mini triathlon hosted by JP Morgan. Don't ask me why, we just thought it might be fun.....
It was held out at near Windsor at Eton college, where the princes went to college, also the 2012 Olympic rowing site. There were about 120 competitors split into 3 waves.
We were all provided with wetsuites for our dip in the lake which was surprisingly warm.
We started with the 400m swim (Poms cannot swim so this was a breeze!), followed by a 20km bike (on my shiney new bike Justin got me for my birthday) and finishing with a 5km run. I finished the race with a time of 1hr 20mins and ended up coming 3rd woman.
We had a great day, and we got a free lunch, so it was all worth it.
Check out the pics!

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Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


19th July 2006

Good Onya Rach!!!! Ya smashed em but what's the deal with Triathlons being fun - that's twisted!! keep up the good work xxx daz
26th July 2006

GOOD Stuff!!
Unreal Rach!!!! What an effort. That's incredible, geez at that rate won't be long until you make the pommie team!

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