Pepsi and Men

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April 3rd 2012
Published: April 3rd 2012
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Thoughts to Jot: Earlier today, Judith, her friend Tencie, and I had just finished a conversation about Pepsi vs. Coke (I brought home a diet Pepsi), when I began talking about my experience of never having dated or banged any other man when I married my ex-husband. I was trying, in a sad attempt, to explain that since my divorce I have been dating and experiencing the world so to speak. I was struggling to find the words in Spanish, so Tencie interrupted, saying “Es como si te gustas Coke, Pepsi, Fanta” (you have to try Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, to see which one you like best). God bless her for making something that seemed so complicated to explain so damn simple. I need to compare men to types of soda more often!

Sentiments: A very BIG apology to Fry's Electronics as it turns out I am the fool. Apparently, my converter does convert. I'm back in business, baby!

Questions: Why are there so many students from China and Japan here? I feel as though I am experiencing Spain, China and Japan all rolled into one.

Something of the Ridiculous: 1.The picture I sent the University months ago happens to be a picture I had intended for my days. Little did I know they were going to put it on my Student ID card. Now I look like some kind of ad for a strip club with my sultry "come hithereth" look. Awesome! 2. I finally got hit on by a Spaniard!! A 70 plus year old Spaniard who asked for my number-NICE!

Challenges: To try and refrain from constantly glaring at the know-it-all ass-kisser in my Grammar class every single time they open their mouth. I have the privilege of having to listen to this person for two hours, every weekday, for the next three months. Paradise does come with a price, folks.

Note to Self: When you signed up for classes at a University, that does in fact naturally infer that there will be homework and exams...How the hell did I think it wouldn't?

Newish Words for the Day: Bombero: Fireman. Prounounced-BOM-berrrro. Unfortunately, you cannot hear the inflection with which it is said because it sounds damn sexy with that Spanish accent!! Everyone cross your fingers for me-I just might be introduced to Judith's friend, Antonio, who is a BOM-berrro!!! Whoohoo!

On Today's Menu: FINALLY-a real, authentic Spanish dish that I LOVE-Cocido!!! Thank you, Judith! I do not even need to write what else was had because that dish is really all that mattered.

XOXO Sarah


6th April 2012

coke never pepsi
Oh sweet Sarah....Also Coke..never Pepsi!. As for those ass kissers...they can piss off. Keep making memories...Judi

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