Varanasi... Sensory overload

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Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Varanasi
June 19th 2006
Published: June 29th 2006
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Wow. Varanasi is the largest Hindu pilgraim sight in the world, and it is where over 60,000 people bathe themselves in the Ganges River to rid themselves of their worldy sins. This would seem like an alright thing to do except the Ganges (especially at Varanasi) is so heavily polluted that so many disease are spread through bathing in it... thus, we stayed clear of bathing in the river, thought our chances were better with our sins!

There are 60 ghats (temples sort of) along the stretch of river, some of which are burning ghats where they cremate bodies along the river side... we saw a few too many bodies there and along the river edge for our liking. The whole time in Varanasi was an experience that was totally different from everything that we know... pretty incredible.

On a bad note, leaving Varanasi our knapsac with T's new camera and our photos was stolen right in front of us... so that was a real bummer that jaded our experience here. Not sure what our plan is next. xo


29th June 2006

it sounds like you guys are having a great adventure! I read all of your travel blogs but cant wait to hear about it when you get home! xo

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