The Last Supper

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June 13th 2006
Published: June 23rd 2006
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How can I (Andrew) describe this meal? I didn't think we could possibly out do the meal our first night in Italy but we did. Paolo and Bronia took us to a little restaurant in downtown Milan where the chef grows and raises all his own vegetables, poultry and meat. They make their own butter right there on the spot along with everything else on the menu. There's about 12 tables and when you reserve one you have it for the entire night. The menu is limited, but that's only because there's nothing on it except for what was picked from the garden or made fresh that day.

We started with an incredible antipasti mix of fresh prosciutto, lardo, bresciola, speck, anchoives and herring. I like anchoives and herring, a little, but I never thought I'd feel like I could die and be happy after eating a couple of pieces of the small fish. It only got better though when our primi of ravioli and taglierini al ragu pastas arrived. We are now almost two weeks into our trip and the ravioli still might be the best dish so far and certainly still has us smiling. Jennifer had a pork cutlet {yes, she's expanded her diet for Italy} and I had an amazing braised cut of beef - the cheek. It most resembles a soft and stringy brisket but was still not like anything I've eaten before. A light, almost sparkling Barbera wine accopanied our courses. Finally, Jennifer finished with a crem brule and I had a chocolate something - both delightful. Aaaahh, Italia.


27th June 2006

Your New Career
Tronick, its clear now. You need to be a travel food critic. I've never been so hungry in my entire life.

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