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June 12th 2006
Published: June 12th 2006
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Just a quick update, I saw my first wild monkeys of the trip. Brilliant, monkeys are great, one girl even got a photo of a monkey having a sly wank. But then, I was tricked by the monkeys, who sat and posed for photos, while one of their mates walked up the tree, got in position, and pissed on my head. Little bastards.


13th June 2006

wicked NASA monkeys!
Hey man, glad to see you're having a good time. I so wish I could've been there and laugh my ass off. Keep in touch and we'll see you later...
13th June 2006

Ian most of your stories involve monkey's wanking
It's true Ian. That's two monkey wanking stories you've got. *One* is enough to fill an average persons lifetime - i mean, if i lived to 250, then i might expect to have a few of them. As of yet i have none of my own. One day I will travel the world and have my own monkey wanking story to tell.....
3rd October 2006

monkey piss
I am off to Penang in a months time so am browzing through the blogs....only to come across the best monkey story ever! Once my brothers horse freaked out at a mass pile of cow shit and stopped mid canter, he went straight over her head and into the pile of shit. That was pretty funny.

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