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September 2nd 2011
Published: September 2nd 2011
Edit Blog Post I'm the most blessed girl in the world!! This place is everything I imagined and more. I get butterflies thinking about the fact that I got this opportunity...I'm going to be a professional world traveler, ha! 😊

Anyways, I can't remember if I said it before but I'm staying in Castiglion Fiorentino at a place called Santa Chiara. This study center has been housing A&M students for 21 of the 30 years that A&M has had this program, it used to be located in another town. There's not much to it, the rooms are TINY, with 2-4 students in each. Our bathrooms are almost identical to an airplane bathroom, plus a shower added. Yah, not even kidding! We have no AC here, neither does the rest of the town. We sleep with our windows open & keep them open all day every day. Yes, it's gotten pretty hot, not going to lie! A long time ago this place was a monastary (spelling?) so imagine all white walls, very little decoration...not much of anything...yet it is beautiful. I know to most it may seem miserable, but it's amazing. It really is. I don't know how to explain it. I can't wait to post some pictures of the view that I have outside of my window (Mom, there's a BEAUTIFUL, HUGE, tree right in the middle of it...makes me think of you)...we only have 1 window in our room & it's pretty high up, so I like to get a chair & climb up there to sit in the window. There's just enough room to sit comfortably & hang my feet out 😊 In the middle of this place is a courtyard where we hang out a lot of the time, especially later at night when it cools has an awesome view too. & the best part (Heather, this is for you)...we have 3 pet turtles that live in the courtyard!! I'm currently working on names 😊 It's cool cause the staff has a piece of metal in the doorways about a foot high so that we can keep the doors open but not let the turtles in the dining room, but after the meals we can take them food. I've left them kiwi but I don't think they like it much. Apparently they'll eat out of your hand but I haven't got to do that yet!

The weather isn't as bad as I was expecting, but I'm ready for it to cool off. I wake up sweating each night & in the afternoon it drains me completely. Today a few of us just laid on the cool floor & talked for a long time after lunch haha whatever it takes! The food is absolutely wonderful! Nothing like what I'm used to...they eat lots of fruits & veggies, not as much meat as back home. I haven't had much wine, but what I have had is so good!! I've been drinking beer instead, the whole 3 or 4 that some restaurants have lol and what's even more that they serve it in a plastic cup...what the heck! I do miss my ice cold mugs 😊 The people here are so nice...this is a really safe & trustworthy town, they really like us for the most part but we've stayed in Castiglion Fiorentino so far. Tomorrow we are going to a town next to us, called Arezzo to tour some churches & what not. I can't wait to start using the trains & get comfortable moving around. & next weekend there's a group of us going to GREECE! WHOOP WHOOP! Can't wait.

One thing I haven't adjusted to yet is the walking....EVERYWHERE! I am sooo sore...everything is up & down...& STEEP! they have rails to hold on to when going up & down. I've almost busted it a couple times (surprising I know). Mom, these walking shoes are amazing! Thank goodness I got some!! & the time difference of's hard to adjust, 7 hours is rough!

Well I gotta run, we're about to go have a drink. Love you all...SO MUCH! & if you haven't called me...DO IT! I'm waiting to hear from ya'll. Dad & Carol, it won't let me call ya'll for some reason. Todd, Candice, & Heather & Charlie, I don't have ya'll's number memorized & my iphone is dead. & I broke the dang converter to charge it. I know, I've had phone issues...what else is new? I've only got to talk to Mom & Madison for a few minutes each. I don't mind if it's late here when you call. 5 for ya'll is midnight here...I'll probably still be awake. TALK SOON!!!! MWAH!!!


3rd September 2011

Sorry I was knocked out baby!! I didn't get to talk when you called. But I remember your voice and smiled when I woke up. I love you so much and I am so glad you are having fun feeding turtles and living the simple beautiful way of being. I can see you curled up in that window. I wish I could be there too. By the way, at 7:30 pm the day you left Madison sent me a text saying he missed you. :) I'm making 3 x 6 tiles in pottery class and I stamped texture in them. I'm going to glaze them and use them in the guest bathroom as a backsplash!! Haha, I love it!!! kisses baby ps. Carly and I watched the bodyguard movie tonight. she loved it!!

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