The BEST day --almost ever!

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Europe » Switzerland
August 29th 2011
Published: August 29th 2011
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Gloria here this time.
The BEST day will really be when I get to Heaven
but I am asking God right now to prepare a place like this for me.
Today was the most awestruck and dumbstruck I have been since
we have been here. The scenery of God's handiwork is absolutely
indescribable!! The photos will not show the magnificence of these
mountains and glaciers - Lowell took about 300 shots today and I wish
he could post them all...
We found it! I'm looking for a realtor tomorrow! I kept saying to him
we have been here so many times before and why haven't we come to
this area. I guess - the best is always saved for last.
Lowell may not approve of this blog but those of you who really know me
will understand. Eileen get ready to sell.
We saved this hike for the perfect day, it was 60-65 F at
2839 meters up, up, up on the Eggishorn cable car (that's approx, 8600 ft.)
with a cloudless sky at 9 a.m. This is the largest and most impressive
glacier I've seen in Switzerland. It is15 miles long with extremely
deep crevasses. The viewing of this area was unobstructed and so easy.
OHHHHHHHHH My Goodness!!!!!! words cannot express the scene.
The photos will never even come close.
I don't even know where to start.- I could tell you about holding the Matterhorn
in my hands, the 2 and a half hour hike down to Bettmeralp, The cow who
had its calf on the hiking trail in front of us, the rosti, bacon and egg lunch,
the 130 person cable car going straight up, the huge moss covered boulders,
Those Swiss Cows with the biggest bells ringing "you're really in Switzerland"
(pinch me) sound or watching Lowell go so far out on the rocks that the
adrenaline shot out my fingertips. Bettmeralp is a carless village high up.
Tomorrow we will go back and Wednesday too if the weather permits. Then
instead we'll be taking movies. Next year we will arrange a tour here for those
of you who can save enough to come.
Wait til tomorrow, God Willing. G & L

Additional photos below
Photos: 19, Displayed: 19


Oh the yellow bicycleOh the yellow bicycle
Oh the yellow bicycle

I wrote a poem about these once

29th August 2011

Gloria, you're making us all jealous! ! ! Like you said, it's 'indescribable' - (I think I know a song by that title!) Have a great day!
29th August 2011
Me again

A favorite!
I love seeing you're great smile, Dad! Miss you! You look great! LJ
29th August 2011

Hey Good Lookin'
A couple of great looking parents!
29th August 2011
Photo 10

I thought this was your last time over there... now do you want to move?? :-) hahaha Or at least the tours!!!
30th August 2011
GJO by the Aletsch Glacier

Glo by Aletsch Glacier
30th August 2011

One of those "top of the world" experiences...loved climbing to the mountaintop above Engineer Pass in the San Juans. peak after peak after peak.
30th August 2011

GREAT picture of you two!!! Love it!
30th August 2011
Dessert for Tom!

Dessert for Tom
How come Tom gets all the desserts? I want some too!!
1st September 2011

Hi Glo and Low! Wonderful pictures, especially the Matterhorn!! Better than the ride at Disneyland!! You two look so tan, healthy, and fit up in the mountains! Sweet baby calf,wow,you have had quite an experience! Glad it's the best for last! You have wonderful memories to last a lifetime! Love you, S.

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