Crossed the Tropic of Capricorn ;)

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May 31st 2006
Published: May 31st 2006
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Just a quick update as internet time is precious these days. It was absolutely fabulous relaxing on the Sunshine Coast and we definitely spent a few well needed days of doing NOTHING on the beach. The weather for the most part was glorious. It really is hard to think of it being winter when the sun is bearing down on you. We are both officially tanned, yahoo. We took some awesome walks/runs on the beach and the colors were spectacular. We made friends with a wild pelican, what a weird looking bird. We ate freshly caught fish from the wharf. We found plenty of sea glass, as you all know that Ozzies love their stubbies. Basically last week was blissfully relaxing and we are well caught up on our news and even finished some more books!

Yesterday we said goodbye to the wonderful Oaks Seaforth Resort and hopped in our rental car for the long 12 hour drive up to Airlie Beach. The scenery was not as beautiful as NZ and the radio stations were absent and random at times, playing old school hits like "Backstreet's Back Alright" and "I Shot the Sherriff" repeatedly, but still a nice enough drive. We went for about 6 hours, stopping in Rockhampton, aka Rockie by the locals. This town is a bit weird, we must admit. It reminds us a bit of a mix between the Wild West and New Orleans. It is known as having the best steak in Australia and also as a cowboy town, where country music takes over many of the radio stations and there are statues of bulls scattered throughout the town. We found a random place to stay, the Criterion Hotel, right on the river and you could say we "roughed" it for the night. The town reminds me of some of the lost American cities that I've never been to but envision to be where the people who voted for Bush (the second time around) live. Okay, that was a bad joke and I'm sorry if I offended anyone...

In a few minutes, we're off to Airlie Beach for a few days, hopefully to get out to the Whitsunday Islands for a reef dive or a boat trip. We miss you and hope you enjoyed the pictures. We seem to have slowed down with both taking them and posting them but we'll work on improving that.

Erica and Ben


31st May 2006

Hey! It sounds like you guys are having so much fun... keep it up! I can't wait to see your pictures. All is well here in dirty jerz...working A LOT and traveling a bunch around the northeast. Enjoy the rest of your trip...don't do anything i wouldn't do ;) haha
1st June 2006

Hi Erica and Ben,

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