Sleep Deprivation

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Europe » Italy » Campania » Naples
May 20th 2011
Published: May 21st 2011
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House tour! It’s a really nice house.

Must stay awake until 8 pm, a surprisingly difficult task. But I have to stay awake to set my sleep schedule correctly. The irony of me wanting to go to bed early, but being forced to stay awake is likely humorous to my parents.

Every time I sit in front of the television, I can feel my eyelids drooping. I might have taken a short nap.

Ashley’s dad keeps feeding me to candy to help me stay awake. We walk down a block or two to a store where we buy mozzarella cheese, salami and bread.

We watch Dr. Who, it is enjoyable and engaging. I don’t fall asleep. Somebody on the show makes a joke about setting a volcano alarm. It’s fitting because we are going to Pompeii tomorrow.

Ashley’s mom comes home. We eat. The food is good.

More Dr. Who. Pizza for a second dinner. I keep falling asleep during Hogan’s Heroes, which is apparently is one of those classic TV shows that everyone should watch.

It’s 8 o’clock. Time for bed!


22nd May 2011

Safe Arrival
That totally sounds like your kind of a dinner. I'm looking forward to those pictures of Pompeii. Dad talked to Grammy today and she was wondering if we had heard from you. I'll send her a link to your blog. Love you and love the blog.

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