Waiheke day 3 - Helen and James wedding day

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February 25th 2011
Published: February 25th 2011
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Finally the big day had arrived.

After a spot of something to eat down at the bach, I got back home to get ready for the wedding. After about an hour under the air con I was about ready to hit to the road with the others via a private bus to Chardy Ridge. This was to be the location of the wedding of ceremony between our friends Helen and James.

It was an absoultely brilliant sunshining day (if that is a word ?), and from the vantage point overlooking the whole island, the Sky Tower in Auckland could clearly be seen. The wedding ceremony was held on top of this clif with this stunning view in the background.

Helen and James exchanged their wedding vows and gave each other rings and they were married. It was an amazing experience seeing them getting married in this setting and one that will not leave me for a very very long time.

We then went back into Chardy Ridge for some champagne. I spoke to the bar man, who I later found out owned Chardy Ridge and I was taken aback at the vastness of it all. In the UK something like this would set you back millions, in his super laid back manner when I asked him what he did, he jsut said simply "this". Fair enough.

The wedding party was held in another luxurious location - Cable Bay vineyard. This place was also stunning, a vast grass area just out the back of the vineyard allowed you to see down in to the bay and beyond. I knew there would be some good sunset photos later.

The wedding reception itself went very well. I was the MC and I was very nervous about standing up in front of a lot of people, some I knew, some I didn't but I was told I did a very good job. I also added a bit of humor by providing a comments box for anyone to leave "comments, dance invitations or phone numbers" in. This meant that before and after each speech I could read some of them out, it was basically a free comedy joke box with everyone else's material. It worked well.

The food was amazing, mini pork belly for starter and then a choice of lamb or John Dory for the main (I had the fish) and then some amazing mini creme brulleƩ and another lovely things for dessert. The speeches kicked off during dessert and they were briilliant. Noteably James' and the best men speeches were great.

Helen and James then had their first dance to 'You've got the love" performed by a great band. We then danced and a few of us DJ'd and the party ended up at 12.30am with transport back to our accommodation a little later on.

We had a small mini party back at our house, and then all headed off to bed, little did I know that tomorrow I would help carry a dead sheep in to a back garden for it to be put on a spit 😉

Manly, I can tell you ! haha.

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1st March 2011

ah, didnt you scrub up nice !!!!!!! looks and sounds like you doin it big fella - if it is half as good as i t looks you're having the time of your life ......... proud of you !
9th March 2011

Nice one dude, hope you are well :)

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