Cordillera Blanca

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South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz
May 4th 2006
Published: May 26th 2006
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We journied to Huaraz on Monday morning in a very posh coach, complete with DVDs, air conditioning and club class style seats (not exactly traveller´s roughing it). As it happened the air conditioning clapped out after an hour so we sweated the rest of the 8-hour journey in the baking heat all the way to Huaraz. The coach bravely climbed the mountain side over a 4000m+ pass before descending into Huaraz in the valley below the looming Cordillera Blanca. The journey took in some stunning views of crystal clear lakes, rolling hills and we also saw our first llamas of the journey.

When we arrived in Huaraz we were greeted by several expedition companies and reps all offering their wares. We followed a guy called Aldo who showed us to the Hotel Galaxia which, despite having no other guests, is actually quite comfortable, has a great view of the surrounding mountains and at only 30 /s a night (5 pounds) is an absolute bargain. We´re staying in the matrimonial suite (don´t laugh), it does the job, it´s large, central and we get a nice brekkie on the rooftop.

The Huaraz area is best known for its various adventure sports - ice climbing, mountaineering, hiking, river running and mountain biking. We decided to give the biking a go yesterday and were guided by a cool Peruvian called Julio across single track paths at over 4000m high. Both of us didn´t realise how difficult it would be to go uphill at such a high altitude and also to get to grips with the muddy tracks, puddles, and loose rocks underneath the tyres. Of course, Laura ended up getting stuck in muddy puddles, falling over, getting covered in cowpats and generally bruising herself (pictures provided later) like the clutz she is. All OK though. We did a fast descent down to the valley bottom whilst being chased by perros (dogs) at almost every house we passed. Julio advised us

just give them a kick if they get too close....that´s the only way they learn

, rather you than me mate!! Eventually when we reached Huaraz, Tommy decided he no longer needed guidance and went his own way - that´s one interpretation anyway. We were all safely reunited in the end.

Today we are sunbathing on the hotel rooftop, doing some general "travelling maintenance" i.e. Laura´s washing clothes and obviously blogging. Basically our asses are saddle sore and we are still feeling the burn in our legs

Huascaran (we think)
from the ride - as Laura said to me this morning

it is probably 2 years since we last did any really strenuous exercise

. Despite the pain we are not put off yet and have organised a one-day trek to the lakes below the foot of Mount Huascaran Peru´s largest peak at just under 7000m.

Additional photos below
Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


Totos in Peru!Totos in Peru!
Totos in Peru!

This one´s for Stu and the BCC kru.
Peruvian WomenPeruvian Women
Peruvian Women traditional dress.
Huaraz by NightHuaraz by Night
Huaraz by Night

A stunning sunset
A Typical PlazaA Typical Plaza
A Typical Plaza

Tommy in his Peruvian clubbing wear.
Ready to GoReady to Go
Ready to Go

Laura at the start of the mountain biking adventure - note how clean she looks...
Our Guide, JulioOur Guide, Julio
Our Guide, Julio

Just catching up with us.
T & LT & L
T & L

with their trusty steeds.
A Rare Sighting of a Local CactusA Rare Sighting of a Local Cactus
A Rare Sighting of a Local Cactus

A beautiful specimen (unfortunately can´t remember the name) but they grow to 2m in diameter and produce over 20,000 flowers.
Just FinishedJust Finished
Just Finished

Laura at the end of the mountain biking adventure - note how unclean she looks (and beware the Ramsey scowl!)...
Bruised KneesBruised Knees
Bruised Knees

Count them!
Overlooking HuarazOverlooking Huaraz
Overlooking Huaraz

...from the hills

4th May 2006

Wablo hombres
Looks awesome, looks like you're having a great time ... we had our first hot day here, must have been 28 i reckons. Also you'll be pleased to hear i got a bout of viral gastroenteritis in Spain .. so keep an eye out on the Andean hygiene standards so you don't suffer a similar fate. Over it now, so was able to enjoy a coconut gelato after work whilst strolling to cast my vote. L8r peeps.
5th May 2006

Luvving the updates
And so glad you found Toto's international branch. You're both looking great - do keep posting the photos and lovely descriptions. Lots of love, Stu and Neepha xxxxx
6th May 2006

At home
Phots look fantastic. Hope bruises are less painful! Both of you look remarkably well considering the journey. Another quietish weekend at home amd everyone sends their love. Keep the photos coming - we are following the progress at school and the children are intrigued particularly with the photo of 'real' Peruvian women. xxxxxxxxx
9th May 2006

wish we were there!!!!
pleased to hear your both well and are having a brilliant time!! TC is back home, will pass your site onto him-he should be back on phi phi by the time you get there! your journal is excellent so far, keep it coming!take care-wishing you well love phil, rory and jo xxxx
12th May 2006

Enjoying your photos
Great to see you are enjoying yourselves...the pains may get worse after the trek. Am sending you Matt and Brian's address in Melbourne so you can compare notes...they will be pleased to see you if you end up in their area. We are off to Toscana and Umbria in 2 weeks...very tame in comparison!!xxxxxx

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