Couchsurfing in Manly

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January 24th 2011
Published: January 24th 2011
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Dear all,

You will be pleased to know that couchsurfing has far exceeded any expectations that I may have had regarding it. We have obviously just been very jammy with our first one! We have a large beachside apartment at our disposal and a lot of food and drink to be had! Mhairi and I have spent the majority of the last week having big breakfasts on the balcony and enjoying coastal walks. Yesterday I dragged Mhairi along the Coogee to Bondi (2-3 hour) walk! She loved it really!

We have been to some nice bars too, 1st night was the IVY which has a rooftop pool area, though it was pouring with rain! There was a cool old guy in red jacket and shoes dancing in the rain. We then went out in Manly on Friday night. Night in the city on Sat, watched tv and films on Sunday and last night we went to cruise bar and then Hugos and had AMAZING pizza and sangria. Delightful.

So- NOW the travelling actually begins! Hostels, backpacks etc start tonight with Christchurch! I love having my wifey with me. I am her biggest fan, because she is hilarious! We have an epic journey to the airport today!

Big love. X

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25th January 2011

HI Kathy, the photos of you and Mhairi are lovely - isn't Sydney gorgeous? Where are you off to next? hope you are well and experiencing lots of wonderful new things. Angi and Naren xxxx ps will try to Skype on your birthday.

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