chez family forbes - living the aussie dream!

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April 28th 2006
Published: April 28th 2006
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hunks on the beach during forbes tourshunks on the beach during forbes tourshunks on the beach during forbes tours

think this was caloundra beach/estuary
finally arrived at the forbes mansion - due to our slight detour, kids were in bed so the forbes outdoor veranda entertainment commenced straight away and we had our first proper aussie barbie !!! it was great to see them again, catching up on memories of mad ski trips and maureen's toe examination !!!!!
woke up early for the forbes family morning school run chaos - what gorgeous kids. Funny Brandon is just a mini-forbes and Kimberley and Annabel are mini-Mo's. And what a school they're at !!! no graffitti, fighting or police!!! Never been a proper school. Fantastic place with sporting facilities that would go some way to explaining why the aussies tend to be winning most things at the moment. In an attempt to reverse this phenomenal success Forbes & I took the the seven year olds for a rugby session and instill some good old fashioned cheating,thuggery and moaning. Good job well done!
Had a v. good Forbes tour along the whole of the sunshine coast which is something special - fantastic beaches,marinas, towns and proper pubs. This is our favourite part of the coast so far- very tempted to sell up and move here - just gorgoues!!
chez forbeschez forbeschez forbes

gun turret on the left to keep pommies off !
We spotted the perfect location for hoppy & big bird's (or long bloke as he's known by the forbes) dream home - sprawling riverside property with deep-sea mooring for a fab yacht - so we can all use it for holidays!. Chez Forbes is a big sprawling place that has the obligatory pool, tennis court and fantastic countryside views and just 5 mins from the coast. Mo,Forbes & family have some proper "country fun" up there in the hills and we have been fed & watered make no mistake! The princess introduced a new style of dancing and decibels to them there hills as she was introduced to the household huntsman spider,fruit bats and geckos. The kids looked on with amazement as she did her little jig - bless her.
Our stay in Chez Forbes was of course extended by a day due to a slight oversight by the Princess. As we happily tucked into fresh seafood on the veranda - we should have been 80k south boarding a big bird to fly back to sydney. Nice. This minor detail finally dawned on us early evening and Mo was introduced to the Princesses "not my fault" routine. $300 later we are now at the airport ready to board another flight.
I can recommend Hotel Forbes to anybody reading this blog - not necessary that you know or even like them - the kids are great, Ian & Mo don't really do a great deal each day so are at your beck and call and are well known locally for their swinging parties - enjoy!
It's our anniversary today so I'm under all kinds of pressure to be nice - not natural - but I'm really trying.
managed to get a few photos uploaded before we left sydney hotel, few more corkers still to be uploaded !
p.s. all our condolences and thoughts to the rhodes family on this very sad day, thinking of you all very much. lots of love

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gorgeous kimberley and annabel gorgeous kimberley and annabel
gorgeous kimberley and annabel

having a swim at dusk - 6pm
country moonshine kickincountry moonshine kickin
country moonshine kickin

just before they came out about "country fun"

28th April 2006

hello you two, cant believe you missed your flight, thought you had it all organised!!, never mind it does'nt sound as if it was to much of an ordeal, apart from to your pocket!. Had to laugh at your tale of Elise and the creepy crawlies, i can just imagine her. Dont want you to go but i can imagine why you would want to live in such a fantastic sounding place, keep up your Blog, love you both Mum XXXXX
28th April 2006

The Forbes faimily did not swing with us when we there must of been Annette who put them off ?
28th April 2006

glad somethings stay the same. sounds like just another sunday in twyford. minus the pool, the tennis court, the coast, the veranda, the lazing around!! but all the good laughs. cant wait to see the photos still wishing we were on tour. missing you happy nz xxxx
29th April 2006

Hope you had a lovely aniversary. Missing planes is just part of holidaying - dont worry. Relax and enjoy. It looks fabulous place - kids look great and you seem to enjoy kids! Twins - no bother!
29th April 2006

Big Bird Convention?
I seem to remember a convention in honour of missing friends.....more specifically Big Bird (as I understand he is more widely known). The boys played a truly outstanding game Saturday. The line-out was awesome !!!. Rgds 4bz.
29th April 2006

PS. The recycle truck broke down trying to hoist a wheelie bin full of empties onto its back. Wasn't as much fun running it back up the hill naked but it gave the neighbours a laugh, thanks for the inspiration/reminder of life B.C. in the 'memory factory' !

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