Driving. India Style!

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November 18th 2010
Published: November 18th 2010
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Great MPGs!!Great MPGs!!Great MPGs!!

...but Cow's are not for riding-
Being on the roads in India is an experience. Driving in Mumbai makes driving in New York look like an easy countryside cruise. Some say that lack of space / huge population may be part of the reason but I think it is more of a cultural element. Either way driving in Mumbai involves constant, constant beeping, weaving in and out of lanes, creating your own lanes, disobeying existing lines, running red lights, minding the pedestrians who walk everywhere, and of course and very importantly watching out for the cows. I loved it! Probably because I was a passenger. You might think that all of the above suggests that the Indian drivers are terrible, but quite the contrary. In a society where being timid and shy means losing out, you have to do what you need to get where you want. And with this mentality the drivers are experts! The traffic system functions, and I didn't see one accident! Compare that to Tampa where you see an accident at least daily!

The range of vehicles on the roads ranged from motorbikes, scooters, compacts, SUVs, Trucks, Buses, an occasional horse, and even a (tourist) camel at one stage! Compacts are a
Mind the Saree Mrs.!Mind the Saree Mrs.!Mind the Saree Mrs.!

I hope the saree doen't get caught in the wheel or ir could be a chilly ride home for this lady...
big deal in India. With fuel efficiency and lower prices they offer mobility to a wider consumer segment. We saw a lot of Susuki Swifts, Honda Civics and Tata 'Nanos'. Tata is an Indian company (actually Tata companies expand well beyond automotive. They are like the Indian GE, but probably bigger!) that manufacture the Nano, thus named for obvious reasons. The Nano is becomming increasingly popular on the roads in India and you can expect to see these in US showrooms in 2012. With huge MPG efficiencies and priced under $7,000 new the Tata my also appeal to a significant US consumer segment.

The Rickshaw Auto is a also a primary mode of transort in most cities and towns. The 3 wheelers whip in and out of traffic easily. Ty are fun to ride in and haggling with the drivers is also a good laugh!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


Ridin' in a RickshawRidin' in a Rickshaw
Ridin' in a Rickshaw

The Rickshaw's are fun to ride in....once you've haggled a decent fare!
The Ambassador AwaitsThe Ambassador Awaits
The Ambassador Awaits

Sarah & I hopped in this Ambassador to drive to Pondicherry
Tata NanoTata Nano
Tata Nano

Mr Bean would have looked super cool in this...

18th November 2010

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30th November 2010

Viva la Tata!
leave it to bref to get the specs on every car in India! Sounds like you two are having a blast!!
27th January 2011

Driving experience in india
Outstanding article you have pulled out and lovely picture taken. If i say my incident, i have passed my driving test without performing any test in india. But in UK, driving system is very different. You have to pass theory test & hazard perceptions test before you apply for practical test. As new driver i have learnt heaps of things online, which I would like to share link with you http://free-theory-test.addbucket.com. Have safe driving and god bless you.

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