Boiling, bustling , barmy Bangkok : Buddhas, baht, beasts of burden, beautiful babes, and fat balding blokes ( wearing safari suits, socks and Jesus sandals)

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April 6th 2006
Published: April 6th 2006
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Phew! I'm in the air-conditioned luxury of an internet caff just across from the hotel; the same internet caff where I nearly fell off my seat last night when checking my emails, for an elephant wandered past the window. Now, I know there ARE elephants in Bangkok, but I kinda figured they might be in a quiet part ( Bangkok + quiet = oxymoron), rather than in amongst the four star hotels, cars and mopeds. It all seemed perfectly normal then when later I was crossing the road and a man was patiently holding an elephant back from crossing until the traffic had stopped, as somebody would restrain a dog on a leash in the UK. Mad, barmy, Bangkok.

I knew I had hit Asia in Bangkok airport toilet. It's that throat-clearing sound that is specific to some countries which gave it away. If you haven't been to a developing nation then I will describe it; it's like a half- gargle/half- spit sound . I don't particularly find it endearing, but then remind myself if I had been born here then I'd probably do it too, so better not grumble!

It's hot here. In fact so hot and humid that I am planning routes to and from places to incorporate stints in aircon buildings. It's also really de-energising and I seem to be getting nowhere fast. The 4* hotel is great ( thanks mom and dad!) - I'm feeling really spoiled with my minibar,tv, ensuite etc etc...pleasantly located in the sex tourists district! We didn't realise when we booked that I would be staying near the infamous Nana entertainment Plaza ( which is basically full of call girls), so I have to ensure that I am suitably frumpily dressed when I go out so that no mistakes are made ( lol!) Actually, it's fine, and really quite interesting being on the edge of a seedy district; I never realised just how beautiful some of these girls area and when you see them arm in arm with some fat, ugly,sweaty geezer you just have to feel sorry for them that they have to do this. Of couse not all the guys are gross but there is a certain percentage who are wearing those khaki or cream trouser/shirt combo stretched over a paunch, and frankly it's very unappealing! So, it's all very humbling, realising just how fortunate we are back at home , and how much opportunity and choice we are given- unlike these girls.

I've been here 3 days now and shockingly haven't seen many of the major tourist sights- I've just been wandering and getting a feel of the place. Tonight I'm off to pingpongpatpong and the nightmarket. Just met some poor Aussie guy at the hotel whose travel plans have been muddled and his friends have left a day earlier than him. He genuinely seems a bit wary of Asia as he hasn't been here before and the hassle can be a bit overwhelming, so I said I'd accompany him out. Tomorrow I scum it again and return to the backpacker scene, which is conveniently located in the more interesting old city. I'm in no hurry to move on & can't anyway as I'm having problems with my antimalarials and need to get it sorted. So I'll just chill here and maybe join some Thai massage/cooking courses or even spend a few hours meditating with the monks. Anybody reckon I can keep quiet that long??!!!

Could spend hours desribing the sounds and smells of Bangkok but will do so later. For now, a nice dip in the pool beckons before my night out!

Yours, hot and frumpily

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7th April 2006

Being run over by an elephant is not cool!
More photos please, Sal. Love the pictorial additions to the previous blogs and remember, being run over by an elephant is NOT cool! Lolxx

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