Leaving New Zealand: The inventory

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April 2nd 2006
Published: April 2nd 2006
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Just preparing my stuff to fly tomorrow. Can hardly believe that I can still carry my bags as I think some serious oestrogen has kicked in, causing me to go out on a retail therapy frenzy. However, my possessions seem to be going through some weird rotational process; every time I buy something I found I have lost something , thus the space in my pack remains constant....

Anyhow, the up-to-date losses are as follows:

2 pairs of sunglasses ( 1 lost, 1 squashed)
1 watch ( came swimming with dolphins with me but enjoyed the experience less than me and has steadfastly refused to work since)
1 sandal strap ( the one for the other foot remains in my pack but unsure why!)
1 white top (disappearance noted tonight)
1 earring ( bought over here and lost the next day!)
All underwear turned blue ( apparently common amongst travellers, been doing a little survey....)
1 electronic Sudoko game battered and knob broken
1 disappeared pack of dental floss

HOWEVER , there have been some unexpected gains such as yesterday when out of the blue somebody gave me their copy of Rough Guide to SE Asia ( v. handy as couldnt fit one in my pack when I left!)

Soooooo......Can hardly believe I'm leaving- the last 5 weeks have gone so fast! New Zealand has surpassed all expectations....It may not be the most exciting country I will be visiting, as culturally it's pretty similar to the UK, but it certainly is amazingly beautiful, and great for outdoor pursuits and wildlife. It started raining today ( ha! bring on the bad weather!), only the 3rd time since I've been here. I'll be arriving in Bangkok on 3rd and will actually be in a decent hotel for 4 nights with a bedside phone so if anybody wants to chat either call m 'n' d or text me for the number. Don't forget, though, I'll be 5 or 6 hours ahead. Also have just got rid of my NZ sim card so please don't try me on that number or you will get some poor unsuspecting traveller..

Had the shock of my life when I got to Christchurch, for there standing outside the YHA where I was staying was somebody I knew through work! Needless to say we had to celebrate the chance meeting with a beer or 3
At Antarctic Centre with Antarctic all-terrain vehicle.........At Antarctic Centre with Antarctic all-terrain vehicle.........At Antarctic Centre with Antarctic all-terrain vehicle.........

You've never had a ride quite like this one!!
at an Irish bar and some Irish jigging......Hence I take NO responsibility for the state of my hangover the next morning ; it just would've been rude to say 'no'!!

The update on the bites by the way is much less itching ( no longer Savlon woman!) but I now look like I have some horrible skin complaint with scabs all over my ankles- It would just be typical now if I were banned from the pool of this posh hotel in Bangkok! Talking of Bangkok, bit weird this; I booked into my own single room today and there on the bedside table was nothing but a ping pong ball. Hmmmm was this some secret omen about what was to come at the infamous pingpongPatpong district?, I asked myself.....

Anyhow, better dash. It's now midnight and alarm set for 6.15am! Next journal from Thailand, folks ( probably a jetlagged middle-of-the-nighter!) xxx

ps Just added some photos of the very famous Lake Matheson- I forgot to mention I jogged round it one morning on the way from Greymouth to Queenstown.


2nd April 2006

Bon voyage
Have a good trip - never been to Thailand but have good friends from there. We're off to a slightly less exotic place tomorrow for a couple of weeks, visisting mum-in-law in Southern Spain. Good weather forcast. I may write a small blog from there, we'll see. Glad your bites are better, the ping-pong ball however is more disturbing! Tess xx
3rd April 2006

out of the blue person...
...glad to see I made such an impression! Hope the guideĀ“s coming in handy and the hangoverĀ“s gone. I arrived in Santiago and promptly fell asleep...for 18 hours! I blame a similar inability to be rude and say no... Johnx
5th April 2006

dragged screaming and kicking.....
Sorry John u were right and we had to drag you out to the pub- I seem to rememer somebody was so desperate for that drink they left their onion half peeled on the kitchen table! The guide is coming in fantastically useful ( thanks), and I increased my good karma by donating my NZ guide to a good cause! Enjoy your trip Tess, and look forawrd to your blog too! x

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