Day 1 - First cruise

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April 2nd 2010
Published: April 2nd 2010
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Additional maps: San Juan Islands Trip

Day one of our actual trip! So, I got a job on board a small cruise ship from April until the end of October this year (). We will be cruising the San Juan Islands for a month, then up to southeast Alaska for a few months and then up the Columbia River for a couple months! Should be great! I am looking forward to it! So I am a deckhand. I will be doing whatever the boat needs to stay afloat and running. I will also be doing a lot of excursions. On the excursions I will be taking people around (or to or from) on the skiff. I have the 4 a.m. - 4 p.m. shift. First one up, first one to bed. We just got the boat all ready the last few days. It looks great. Painted one side of the hull, washed it, set up the interior, cleaned it up, mounted a couple of cleats, whatever needed to be done. The crew quarters are all set up too. Our first night in our own bunks. People come on board tomorrow. I am very excited to cruise around the San Juan Islands!

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Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


My roomMy room
My room

I am rooming with Jake, one of our cooks
My bunkMy bunk
My bunk

My bunk is on top

2nd April 2010

Wow, those quarters look small but cozy. Sounds like a lot of hard work but it sounds interesting. Didn't know you'd be gone that long though.

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