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March 21st 2006
Published: March 22nd 2006
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Saying GoodbyeSaying GoodbyeSaying Goodbye

Heidi at the aiport wearing that jacket!!
Saying good bye at the airport was hard, but not as hard as I imagined! My parents, sisters and cousin Ashley all came to see me off. I shed quite a few tears (and so did they!), but I was able to manage myself with out Beata having to mop me up to get me on the plane! There was only one minor misshap at the airpot with my sister Heidi and I forgetting that she was wearing my jacket as I wandered off into the departures lounges - luckily we remembered with enough time for me to run back out into the public area of the airport to grab it. I really don't think I would be survivng here without that jacket!

Ok, so it's really really really cold here. It's been a huge shock to go from beautiful 20 something degree weather to 6 degrees max (and apparently that was a good day)! Our flight to London came via Vienna and to get to the plane we were shuttled out on to the tarmac and had to walk up some steps into a much smaller plane. It was -1 °C on the tarmac (thanks to Kathy for the
Saying Good ByeSaying Good ByeSaying Good Bye

My cousin Ashley and my sister Kate being her normal gorgeous self!
new jacket - I wouldn’t have survived with out it!) but absolutely stunning to take off from Vienna just after sunrise and seeing the still mostly snow covered landscape. Flying into Heathrow was much less interesting - just lots of clouds!

Beata and I arrived safe and sound in London yesterday morning, with all of our luggage (woo hoo!). Our flights were long and very full so I didn’t get much sleep at all, (probably about 3 hrs during the whole 24 hrs of travelling). I’ve decided I’m going to beat jet lag by forcing myself to stay up and go to bed at 10pm London time. Thanks to the assistance of a couple of red bulls at the local, I’ve managed to sleep my first night through with no probs!

Our first day in London was very relaxing and cruisy - it was great to see Kath and Graham! We first had a cup of tea (as you do, this is England!) and then settled into our new home for the next few months. The apartment is great with a fair bit of room! I was expecting the place to be very pokey, but in fact it’s
Mayow ParkMayow ParkMayow Park

Kath and Beata on our first venture into the cold
got plenty of room for the four of us. After settling in Kath and Graham took us to the local park to feed some squirrels and then for a bit of a walking tour of the local area.

Today we’re off to do the typical tourist thing, we’ve booked tickets on the London Eye and then we’ll hang out in town and see some sites!

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Mayow ParkMayow Park
Mayow Park

Erin and Beata in Mayow Park - yes my eyes are closed, but I'm just protecting my eyeballs from the cold!

22nd March 2006

Hi Ezz Glad to see you've arrived safe and sound....can't wait to log in and hear about all your adventures!
22nd March 2006

Yay - another friend to play with!
Welcome! Lucky you brought that jacket - apparently doesn't get warm for another 2 months! Catch up soon!

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